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What happens when AgNO3 dissolves in water?

What happens when AgNO3 dissolves in water?

Silver nitrate is not only ionic, it is also highly soluble in water. Like all ionic compounds, when silver nitrate is dissolved in water, its molecules break apart into its constituent charged portions.

Which of the following will form an acidic solution when dissolved in water?

Any salt which is highly ionisable in water and after ionisation form an acid as a product which gives higher number of Hydrogen ions per molecule, will form acidic solution. e.g. NaCl + H2O= NaOH(base)+ HCl(acid),.

Is AgNO3 basic or acidic?

With the knowledge that H+ is needed to make a solution acidic, AgNO3 is not an acid because it produces Ag+ and NO3– ions. Neither is it a base because it does not produce OH-.

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Is AgNO3 soluble in water?

Silver nitrate/Soluble in

Is dissolving AgNO3 in water endothermic or exothermic?

The enthalpy of solution for AgNO3 is positive because the temperature of the solution decreases (the dissolution is endothermic).

What does AgNO3 break apart into?

Chemical Properties When heated to 440oC, this compound completely decomposes to give oxygen, nitrogen dioxide, and silver.

Is ag2co3 soluble in water?

Silver carbonate is the chemical compound with the formula Ag2CO3. This salt is yellow but typical samples are grayish due to the presence of elemental silver. It is poorly soluble in water, like most transition metal carbonates.

Does KF form an acidic solution in water?

KF is a salt that comes from a strong base, KOH, and a weak acid, HF. Made from an acid and a base, salt can react with water and produce acidic, or hydrogen, from water and forms hydroxide. It is made from a strong base and a weak acid. Therefore, it is a basic solution.

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Does NaF form an acidic basic or neutral solution when dissolved in water?

Similarly, NaF is basic (it is the salt of a strong base, NaOH, and a weak acid, HF). NaCl is neutral. This means that two of the solutions are basic (NH3 and NaF), one solution is neutral (NaCl), and the other is acidic (NH4Br).

Why is AgNO3 acidic?

AgNO3 does not form an acidic solution nor a basic solution. In order for something to be considered an acid or base it has to produce either H+ or OH- in water. With the knowledge that H+ is needed to make a solution acidic, AgNO3 is not an acid because it produces Ag+ and NO3– ions.