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What happens when phenolphthalein is added to Sulphuric acid?

What happens when phenolphthalein is added to Sulphuric acid?

Phenolphthalein is an acid-base indicator that is colorless in acidic solutions and pink in basic solutions. If phenolphthalein is added to the original sample of sulfuric acid, the solution is colorless and will remain so while hydrogen ions are in excess.

Why phenolphthalein will not give colour when it is added to base?

Phenolphthalein is a weak acid and is colorless in solution although its ion is pink. Adding hydroxide ions (OH-, as found in bases) will change the phenolphthalein into its ion and turn the solution pink.

Will h2so4 turn phenolphthalein pink?

Because sulfuric acid is a strong acid and sodium hydroxide is a strong base, the phenolphthalein will turn pink because the solution has become more basic.

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What is the change of colour when phenolphthalein is added to h2so4 and Naoh?

When few drops of phenolphthalein are added to a dilute solution of sodium hydroxide a pink colour is produced.

What Colour does H2SO4 give with phenolphthalein and methyl orange?

Acids, Bases and Salts

Sample Colour change
Dilute sulphuric acid Methyl orange turns pink
Moist ammonia gas Phenolphthalein turns pink
Moist chlorine Red litmus remains red
Dilute magnesium hydroxide Phenolphthalein turns pink

What color will phenolphthalein be when there is an excess of acid present?

Phenolphthalein is often used as an indicator in acid–base titrations. For this application, it turns colorless in acidic solutions and pink in basic solutions.

What happens when phenolphthalein is added to base?

Why does phenolphthalein turn Colourless when lipase breaks down the lipids in milk?

Phenolphthalein is a pH indicator, that is pink in an alkaline solution around pH10. When lipase is added to this solution, it will begin to break down the lipids in the milk, producing fatty acids. This will lower the pH of the solution, turning the phenolphthalein colourless.

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What happens when nitric acid is added to phenolphthalein?

Phenolphthalein is generally used as an indicator for acid-base titration. This reaction causes nitric acid to dilute. When we add a universal indicator to nitric acid, it appears red because nitric acid is acidic in nature.

What Colour does h2so4 give with phenolphthalein and methyl orange?

In which solution phenolphthalein does not change to pink colour?

Phenolphthalein is often used as an indicator in acid–base titrations. For this application, it turns colorless in acidic solutions and pink in basic solutions. Since HCl is an acid it does not change the colour of Phenolphthalein.

Why does phenolphthalein show pink colour?

-Phenolphthalein is widely used as an indicator in acid-base titrations. -It turns colourless in presence of an acid and turns pink in presence of a base. It is due to the formation of ions that the solution turns pink.

What is the colour change when dilute H2SO4 is added to phenolphthalein?

Hence, when the pH of solution is less than 8, due to addition of dilute H2SO4, the solution will be colourless. If the alkaline Phenolphthalein solution is colourless then it is having pH greater than 10.0, in such a case, color change will be colourless to pink.

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Why does phenolphthalein turn pink in an alkaline solution?

Also, it turns in pink colour in an alkaline solution or base. Moreover, the compound remains colourless in acids but starts to turn pink on pH 8.2 and continues to turn bright purple in strong bases. Ionization is the process that is responsible for the colour change of the compound (Phenolphthalein).

What is the colour of phenolphthalein indicator in acidic medium?

Phenolphthalein is an indicator which shows colour change(colourless to pink) only in the pH range 8.2 to 10.0. In acidic medium, Phenolphthalein is colourless.

What happens when Phenolphthalein is added to sodium hydroxide?

The reaction of phenolphthalein with sodium hydroxide results in a pink solution. Why does phenolphthalein turn pink in sodium hydroxide? Ionization and the Phenolphthalein Indicator Ionized molecules attract other molecules with the opposite charge and repel those with the same charge.