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What is a 100 IQ capable of?

What is a 100 IQ capable of?

If you assume a normal distribution and no measurement error, IQ 100 means you are more intelligent than 50\% of the population, and an IQ of 145 means you are more intelligent than 99.9\% of the population.

Is there a big difference between 130 and 140 IQ?

They can synthesize new Ideas on a near genius level and can make connections between abstract things that other people couldn’t even consider. 140 is near-genius, while 130 is more along the lines of noticeably intelligent. People of IQs of 130 can synthesize but tend not to be as adept in the abstract.

Do geniuses have trouble sleeping?

To Conclude. Now, it’s evident that not all geniuses have different sleeping patterns and it’s also quite evident that some of them do. One of them included more than 10 hours of sleep a day while the other one averaged 3 hours at a certain point of his life. These are important considerations.

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What percentage of the population has an IQ over 100?

If you assume a normal distribution and no measurement error, IQ 100 means you are more intelligent than 50\% of the population, and an IQ of 145 means you are more intelligent than 99.9\% of the population. Or to put another way, 1 in 2 people have an IQ greater than 100, and roughly 1 in 750 people have an IQ of greater than 145.

What do people with an IQ of 110 feel like?

People with IQ of 110 probably feel like those who are average, but may just get through some things in life a little easier and faster without noticing it or attributing it to their IQ. Early symptoms of spinal muscular atrophy may surprise you.

What is the difference between an IQ of 125 and 150?

That means that even aside from probable testing error (which Quora User’s answer here capably deals with), the difference between a “true” IQ of 150 and 125 is at most 1 standard deviation in terms of real-world performance, and only on the most IQ-test-like tasks.

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What is the difference between IQ and IQ tests?

IQ tests are designed to conform to a Bell Curve distribution. This means if you graph them, they make a nice shape that is high in the middle and tapering on both ends that looks a bit like a bell as you can see in the image below. IQ tests are designed to use 100 as the normed average score.