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What is a fancy colored diamond?

What is a fancy colored diamond?

Fancy color diamonds, on the other hand, are yellow and brown diamonds that exhibit color beyond the Z range, or diamonds that exhibit any other color face-up. These rare specimens come in every color of the spectrum, including, most importantly, blue, green, pink, and red.

What does fancy mean in a diamond?

Fancy shape designates all the different diamond cuts that are not round brilliant cuts, regardless of color. Fancy color on the other hand, designates a diamonds color in relation to the traditional color scale used for colorless diamonds.

How rare are fancy colored diamonds?

Fancy color diamonds are very rare to find in nature. In fact, fancy color diamonds represent less than . 01\% of the total diamonds mined in the world. That’s about 1 in 10,000!

How do fancy colored diamonds get their color?

Most naturally-coloured diamonds are created when trace elements interact with the carbon atoms during the diamond’s creation. The presence of chemical elements such as nitrogen, sulphur, and boron can colour diamonds in shades of yellow, green and blue.

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Are fancy colored diamonds real?

Are Colored Diamonds Natural? Natural fancy color diamonds are completely authentic in every way. The colors were developed within the stones through nature and over millions of years formed into the rough stones found in the mines throughout the world.

Are Coloured diamonds more expensive?

The price per carat base line is in the tens of thousands of dollars and any improvement in attributes such as bigger size or stronger color intensity (intense or vivid) and the pricing goes up exponentially. So yes, these colored diamonds are more expensive than white diamonds.

Why are colored diamonds cheaper?

Just how expensive a colored diamond is depends upon the rarity of the diamond and how in-demand the color is at any given point in time. Money Tip: Lab-created fancy color diamonds are much less expensive than natural diamonds because gem scientists make them on demand. So, gem labs can control the rarity and price!

What color is the most expensive diamond?

red diamond
Even a one carat red diamond can be sold anywhere from $300,000 to $2 million dollars, depending on the quality of the diamond, easily making fancy red diamonds the most expensive diamond color in the world.

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Are Coloured diamonds natural?

Diamonds naturally come in every color of the rainbow (yep red, blue, green, purple, pink, etc.), as well as black, brown, gray, and white. So, there are many different color diamonds! Some colors, such as red and blue, are much more rare than others. As a result of this rarity, these colors are much more expensive.

Do colored diamonds sparkle?

“People have a misconception that diamonds sparkle like a rainbow, but they don’t,” Hirsch said. “They do sparkle, but it’s more of a gray color. If you see something with rainbow colors [inside the stone], it could be a sign that it’s not a diamond.”

Are colored diamonds worth more?

Are colored diamonds rare? Colored diamonds are extremely rare, and much more so than clear or colorless diamonds. Given their rarity, colored diamonds are also considered significantly more valuable, and demand is considerably higher. However, not all colored diamonds are equally rare.

Are fancy colored diamonds a good investment?

As one of the most prized possessions on this planet, as a result of their extremely rare colors, certain natural fancy colored diamonds are now considered extremely wise investments pieces.

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What are the colors of fancy diamonds?

Brown DIAMONDS Yellow DIAMONDS Pink Diamonds Blue Color Diamonds Green Diamonds Black Color Diamonds Red Diamonds Orange Diamonds. Yellow diamonds are the most famous and most wide-spread among all the fancy color diamonds. They are available in a variety of shapes.

Which color diamond is the rarest and most expensive?

Rarest Diamond in the World: Fancy colored diamonds are considered as precious and rarest in the world.

  • Some Other Rarest and Expensive Color Diamonds:
  • Blue Diamonds: Blue diamonds are a second-rarest diamond in the world.
  • Pink Diamond: Pink diamonds are known for their passionate colors and have the highest marketing demand.
  • Which color of diamond is the most expensive?

    The rarest diamond color is the most expensive. Red Diamonds are the rarest and thus the most expensive diamond color! They come only in a Fancy intensity and the color modifiers for them are purplish (purplish red diamonds) and brownish.

    How are natural fancy colored diamonds created?

    Color enhanced natural diamonds are earth-mined diamonds that are treated to create their permanent, rich jewel tones, saturated throughout the body of the diamond. After they are faceted, they are treated in a couple of different ways, which include electronic beam and high heat.