Useful tips

What is a flawed genius?

What is a flawed genius?

A work of flawed genius is one that dares to push away some so it can delight others. It’s a particular taste, even an acquired taste, but when you’ve got it, it engenders nothing but love. It’s a story all the greater for its flaws, because those are what make it feel real. Characters are like this too.

What separates genius from normal?

What makes a genius? According to modern IQ standards, which place normal intelligence within the 90–109 range, a genius is often defined as anyone boasting a 130 or above score. Informally, polymaths—who excel in multiple fields—and experts are often considered geniuses.

What do all geniuses have in common?

They are thinkers to the core in every respect. Their mind is always on the move, with thoughts constantly flowing through it. Not only is their mind constantly on the run but they also tend to think of a problem more productively by thinking about different perspectives to it.

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What are some common flaws?

Other Common Character Flaw Examples

  • arrogance – haughty self-importance.
  • aversion – avoidance of certain fears like spiders or snakes.
  • cowardice – timid, afraid to face danger.
  • disturbed – having a mental illness, being delusional or neurotic.
  • dishonest – a liar; compulsive liar or lies in an important situation.

Do geniuses think differently?

GENIUSES THINK IN OPPOSITES. Physicist and philosopher David Bohm believed geniuses were able to think different thoughts because they could tolerate ambivalence between opposites or two incompatible subjects.

What do geniuses think about?

One thing all geniuses do have in common, he says, is thinking against the grain. “Contrarians are good,” says Dr. Wright. “We need contrarians. If you’re a contrarian thinker…then you’re on the path to genius.”

What are the hidden habits of genius?

“There are a lot of hidden habits of genius,” says Dr. Wright. “There are a lot of components in this brew and we could say curiosity, we could say passion, we could say tolerance for risk, we could say outsiders satisfied, being comfortable with being a rebel, but we can’t guarantee, where this is going to go.”

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What’s inside a genius’s head?

The biographer Walter Isaacson, who has profiled the lives of Franklin, Einstein, and Jobs, points out that inside geniuses’ heads is an intriguing mix of sensibilities. One the one hand, they crave beauty in simplicity.

Are geniuses a close-knit bunch?

But geniuses are a close-knit bunch for the certain qualities they do share. At once they are creatures of simplicity and solitude, who revel in the abstract and can often see, ruthlessly at times, what mere mortals never can.