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What is a variation diagram?

What is a variation diagram?

Variation diagrams: Are plots, which show the relationship between the concentrations of two or three oxides or elements for an igneous rock suite. If the rocks are comagmatic, a chemical trend becomes apparent on these variation diagrams.

What is variation diagram in petrology?

[‚ver·ē′ā·shən ‚dī·ə‚gram] (petrology) A diagram constructed by plotting the chemical compositions of rocks in an igneous rock series in order to show the genetic relationships and the nature of the processes that have affected the series.

How do I create a variation chart in Excel?

Variance charts in Excel 2013 and later versions Hold down your Ctrl key and select the range A9:M10 using your mouse. The Ctrl key allows you to select non-adjacent ranges. Click the Insert ribbon tab and click Recommended Charts. The variance chart should be the first one highlighted, as shown in Figure 5.

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What is primary magma geology?

Primary magmas When rock melts, the liquid is a primary magma.

How do Batholiths stocks and Laccoliths differ quizlet?

How do batholiths, stocks, and laccoliths differ? Batholiths are the largest type of igneous bodies and occur in a linear fashion with a distance of 100km or more; stocks are smaller than batholiths; laccoliths bend the sedimentary layers above them, whereas the sedimentary layers below remain relatively undeformed.

What do rhyolite and granite have in common?

Granite is plutonic and rhyolite is volcanic. They have very similar compositions but one is erupted onto Earth’s surface and the other crystallises at depth. As a result, plutonic rocks are coarse-grained and volcanic rocks are fine-grained.

How do you show data variance in Excel bar chart?

To find: Variance = Actual Sales – Target Sales, Variance\% = Variances/Target Sales.

  1. Step 1: Enter the data in the spreadsheet and select the entire data.
  2. Step 2: To insert a chart, Go to Insert menu >>Click Insert column or Bar chart and select Clustered bar chart.
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What is a variance plot?

The variance plot is used to answer the question: “Does the subsample variation change over different subsamples?” It consists of: Vertical axis = subsample variance; Horizontal axis = subsample index. VARIANCE OF MEAN PLOT = Generates variance of the mean plot. RANGE PLOT = Generates a range plot.

What are the four types of magma and how do they differ from one another?

When magma flows or erupts onto Earth’s surface, it is called lava. Like solid rock, magma is a mixture of minerals. There are three basic types of magma: basaltic, andesitic, and rhyolitic, each of which has a different mineral composition.

How are basaltic magmas thought to be formed quizlet?

How are basaltic magmas thought to be formed? A basaltic pond of magma becomes trapped below continental crust and partially melts this silica-rich crust into a granitic magma.

What type of volcano is Cotopaxi shown in the image below )?

Parent range Andes
Mountain type Stratovolcano, Historical
Volcanic arc/belt North Volcanic Zone

What does Harker diagram stand for?

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Harker diagram (variation diagram) A diagram that shows the amount of each of the chemical constituents of a rock as a proportion of the main ingredient (usually silica). It is the earliest of the variation diagrams, having been devised in 1909 by the English petrologist Alfred Harker (…

Are Harker’s variation diagrams useful on compositional data?

The current theoretical development of the analysis of compositional data in the article by Aitchison and Egozcue neglects the use of Harker’s variation diagrams and other similar plots as “meaningless” or “useless” on compositional data.

When was the first variation diagram invented?

It is the earliest of the variation diagrams, having been devised in 1909 by the English petrologist Alfred Harker (… Access to the complete content on Oxford Reference requires a subscription or purchase.

Are variation diagrams a correlation tool?

In this work, it is shown that variation diagrams essentially are not a correlation tool but a graphical representation of the mass actions and mass balances principles in the context of a given geological system, and, when they are used correctly, they provide vital information for the igneous petrologist.