Useful tips

What is an example of countertransference?

What is an example of countertransference?

Countertransference examples: A clinician offers advice versus listening to the client’s experience. A clinician inappropriately discloses personal experiences during the session. A clinician doesn’t have boundaries with a client.

How do Counsellors deal with hesitant clients?

Perhaps the best way for counselors to avoid resistance with clients is to allow change to happen on its own, Mitchell says. If a counselor enters the therapeutic relationship and pushes the client to change before that person is ready, resistance will be the likely result, he says.

Why does the man refuse to answer the therapist’s questions?

The therapist attempts to interview the man but has difficulty due to his rapid, tangential speech and his refusal to answer questions because he fears the therapist will “pass the info along to the wrong people.” The client adds that he has been awake for three days.

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Do therapists ever respond to clients’ revelations?

It’s not only true that qualified therapists would never respond to such revelations by grimacing and wagging their heads. Clients can also be assured that, unless their disclosures are so perilous that the therapist is ethically and legally obligated to report them, all the information they share will be held in strict confidence.

Why don’t therapists call themselves “business”?

Well, for many reasons. Therapists, by definition, are performing a service—and a “paid” one at that. To fulfill their side of the bargain and devotedly serve their clients, they really have no appropriate “business” serving themselves.

Do therapists serve their clients or themselves?

To fulfill their side of the bargain and devotedly serve their clients, they really have no appropriate “business” serving themselves. For example, if a client shares an experience that strongly reminds the therapist of one of their own, a powerful temptation may exist to share that experience as well.