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What is Carcinosin used for in homeopathy?

What is Carcinosin used for in homeopathy?

SBL Carcinosin Dilution 1000 CH is a homoeopathic remedy that is useful in treating carcinoma. It provides relief from haemorrhage and pain associated with it. Digestive disorders such as indigestion and accumulation of gas can also be treated by its use. Based on homoeopathic formulation, it is safe to use.

Is Carcinosin a Nosode?

One of the most useful of the nosodes is Carcinosin of which I first heard when Dr Foubister read his paper on it to the Faculty in 1954.

What is baryta carb used for?

Reckeweg Baryta Carb Dilution is recommended for old people when they suffer from paralysis and is used in multiple sclerosis of the brain and spinal cord. The elderly people have senile dementia, a disorder showing deterioration of mental abilities usually associated with getting old.

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Which is better allopathy or homeopathy?

Allopathic medicine follows constant research and testing so it is more evidence-based medication. Homeopathic medicine tries to strengthen the immune system through small doses of medicine. That’s why the doses can change from person to person.

What are the symptoms of sepia?

The most frequent symptoms on which Sepia was prescribed were irritability (52, 59\%), anxiety (32, 36.4\%), indifference (48, 54.5\%), weeping tendency (28, 31.8\%), decreased sexual desire (28, 31.8\%), hot flushes (66, 75\%), decreased sleep (43, 48.9\%) and weakness (36, 41\%).

What is baryta carbonica made of?

Drug Label Information

Active Ingredient/Active Moiety
Ingredient Name Basis of Strength Strength

What is the use of Lycopodium 200?

Dr. Reckeweg Lycopodium Dilution is an effective remedy for the treatment of hosts of issues ranging from bloating, liver complaints, rheumatic and arthritic pains. It helps in curing digestives disorders associated with liver and provides relief form gastric disorders.

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Is it possible to treat cancer with homeopathy?

It is actually possible to treat cancer with homeopathic medicines. In fact, homeopathy is the only treatment method that can completely cure this disease. There are different approaches to treat this disease in homeopathy. Good homeo practitioners usually use a combination of these approaches while treating a cancer patient.

How do good Homeo practitioners treat cancer?

Good homeo practitioners usually use a combination of these approaches while treating a cancer patient. The first philosophy to treat cancer is to directly target the cancer tumors. In this way, the practitioner selects the proper medicines that match the symptom picture of tumors.

Is homeopathy effective for cervical cancer treatment?

“In homeopathy, non-toxic medicines are used to treat this cancer. There are no side-effects associated with homeo medicines for cervical cancer. If this problem is diagnosed at earlier stages, it becomes easier to treat and takes very less time. In advanced stages, more time is required to improve the situation.

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What is Max carcinosin?

Melnychuk decided to give Max Carcinosin, a treatment made from—of all things—an infinitesimal amount of human cancer tissue. “There are two types of homeopathic remedies,” Melnychuk explains. “Some treat symptoms; For example, arnica works well for muscle strains.