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What is considered western European ancestry?

What is considered western European ancestry?

Exactly what gets called Western Europe depends on who you ask. Generally, at a minimum it includes modern day Germany, France, Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Lichtenstein, and Switzerland. In some cases, it may also include Austria, western Poland, the Czech Republic, and Denmark.

What does North and West European DNA mean?

The Northern and Western Europe region includes economies from Northern Europe (Denmark, Finland, Ireland, Norway, Sweden, and the United Kingdom), and Western Europe (Austria, France, Germany, the Netherlands, and Switzerland).

What is Northern European descent?

Using genetic analyses, scientists have discovered that Northern European populations — including British, Scandinavians, French, and some Eastern Europeans — descend from a mixture of two very different ancestral populations, and one of these populations is related to Native Americans.

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What does it mean to be of Northern European descent?

What countries are northern European descent?

According to the United Nations, Northern European countries are Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Iceland, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Sweden and the United Kingdom.

Is Greece Western or Eastern Europe?

Greece is also geographically in Eastern Europe (it’s south of the Balkans). However, we will only examine the part of Greece that is most tied to the rest of Eastern Europe: Greece’s northern portion. Like Russia, most of Turkey is in Asia, so we will just look at its western side.

What does Eastern European ancestry mean?

Anyone who is descended from ancestors from the general Eastern European region is of Eastern European descent. Generally, we understand this region to extend from eastern Germany to Russia, and from countries bordering the Baltic Sea south to those bordering Greece.

What race are Lithuanians closest to?

MtDNA diversity revealed that Lithuanians are close to both Slavic (Indo-European) and Finno-Ugric speaking populations of Northern and Eastern Europe. Y-chromosome SNP haplogroup analysis showed Lithuanians to be closest to Latvians and Estonians.

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How many people in Europe have DNA from the Caucasus?

8\% of people native to Eastern Europe (now the Eastern Europe and Russia DNA region) show DNA from the Caucasus 42\% of people native to the Asia Central region (which includes Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan) have DNA from the Caucasus

Can Latvians get Lithuanian DNA?

Latvians, Poles, Russians, Swedes, and so many other types of people. The “Lithuanian DNA”project established by David Zincavage and later administered by Vidmantas Povilionis is open to all people who sign up for Family Tree DNA who have Lithuanian ancestry paternally and/or maternally.

Which countries are in Europe east DNA profile?

In the Baltic region, Lithuania and Poland joined together, forming a commonwealth government. Today the Europe East DNA profile is detected most commonly in Poland, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Lithuania and Latvia, but is also detected in smaller portions in many neighboring regions.