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What is flocculation value?

What is flocculation value?

Flocculation value is defined as the minimum concentration required of an electrolyte to cause the coagulation or flocculation of a solution. Flocculation value is inversely proportional to the coagulating power of the ion.

What flocculation means?

Flocculation is a process in chemistry wherein colloids are extracted from suspensions which then take the form of flake or floc. This can take place spontaneously or may be brought about by adding clarifying agents. Flocculation is also known as coagulation and agglomeration.

How is flocculation power calculated?

So, if a colloidal solution can be precipitated by an anion, then higher the negative charge on the anion, greater will be its flocculating power. And, if a colloidal solution is precipitated by a cation, then higher the positive charge on the cation, greater will be its flocculating power.

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What causes flocculation?

In dispersed clay slurries, flocculation occurs after mechanical agitation ceases and the dispersed clay platelets spontaneously form flocs because of attractions between negative face charges and positive edge charges.

What is an example of flocculation?

Flocculants gather the destabilized particles together and cause them to agglomerate and drop out of solution. Examples of ChemTreat flocculants include low-, medium-, and high-molecular weight polymers.

What is flocculation number?

Flocculation is a two-step particle aggregation process in which a large number of small particles form a small number large flocs. Step 1: Coagulation. Small particles usually carry negative surface charges that hinder aggregation and settling (1a).

Which of the following has minimum flocculation value?

Flocculation value is inversely proportional to coagulating power of the ion . As, Pb4+ has high charge its coagulating power will be maximum and will have minimum flocculation value.

Which of the following has maximum flocculation value?

Among the given electrolytes , NaCl has lowest coagulating power . So , its flocculation value will be maximum .

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Which ion has least flocculation value?


Can floc size be estimated from flocculation time?

If the flocculation time is large, the mean floc size throughout the water column can be estimated, assuming that the floc size is in equilibrium with near-bed hydrodynamic conditions (i.e. local G and c ). A limited residence time will also have implications on the floc size distribution.

What is the value of factormula?

Factorial Formula. The formula to find the factorial of a number is. n! = n × (n-1) × (n-2) × (n-3) × ….× 3 × 2 × 1. For an integer n ≥ 1, the factorial representation in terms of pi product notation is: \\(n! = \\prod_{i=1}^{n}i\\)

What is the use of factor calculator?

Factor calculator is an online tool which allows you to calculate factor expressions online. Factoring calculator can be used effectively for learning and practice. For an example, if we need to find the factor of 6, its factors would be 1, 2, 3 and 6. It means, 1, 2, 3, or 6 can be used to obtain “6”.

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What are the two parts of the flocculation process?

Two parts of the flocculation process can be distinguished: (1) association between the individual particles and formation of flocculi (coagulation) and (2) settling of flocculi formed, under gravity.