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What is Hobbit Pipeweed?

What is Hobbit Pipeweed?

Pipe-weed was a plant of Middle-earth, in particular grown and enjoyed much by the hobbits of the Shire, to whom it was first introduced by Tobold Hornblower.

What is marijuana called in Lord of the Rings?

Pipe-weed (also known as Halflings’ Leaf or simply Leaf) was a plant developed by the Hobbits of the Shire.

Did Tolkien use marijuana?

J.R.R. Tolkien, born 1892, grew up in England where recreational cannabis consumption was, during this time, almost entirely unheard of. Even its traditional medical uses were becoming “unfashionable,” replaced by newer forms of pain relief like aspirin. “I am in fact a Hobbit (in all but size)…

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Is marijuana a Pipeweed?

We have some bad news for those marijuana-loving Lord of the Rings fans: Pipe-weed is not weed, as many people — this reporter included — long assumed it was. This bad news comes by way of Flora of Middle Earth, an actual botany text released by Oxford University Press on Tuesday.

What kind of weed do they smoke in The Hobbit?

Popular Hobbit varieties of pipe-weed soon included Longbottom Leaf, Old Toby (named after Tobold Hornblower and revered by Bilbo Baggins), Southern Star, and Southlinch, which was grown in Bree. The Wizard Gandalf learned to smoke pipe-weed from the Hobbits and was known to blow elaborate smoke-rings.

What did Gandalf smoke in The Hobbit?

Merry (of Peter Jackson ‘s films) smoking his pipe-weed The Wizard Gandalf learned to smoke pipe-weed from the Hobbits and was known to blow elaborate smoke-rings. Saruman initially criticized him for this, but eventually took up smoking himself.

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Why is it called pipeweed in The Hobbit?

The colloquial name was in reference to its origins: it was apparently brought to Middle-earth by Númenóreans in the Second Age. Popular Hobbit varieties of pipe-weed soon included Longbottom Leaf, Old Toby (named after Tobold Hornblower and revered by Bilbo Baggins ), Southern Star, and Southlinch, which was grown in Bree .

Who first used pipe-weed for smoking?

Despite its foreign origins, the hobbits were the first to use it for smoking. Pipe-weed production became a major industry in the Shire, especially in the south. The same plant was known among the Dúnedain as sweet galenas for its fragrance.