Useful tips

What is it like to be a medical student in India?

What is it like to be a medical student in India?

Few decent hours (3-5 hours) of study per day is enough to have a great deal of medical knowledge. Yes, things get tense and stressful around examination times, but this is true for every other field of education. As regards social life, there is no dearth of new social connections that you make in this field!

What should I buy for 1st year MBBS?

Mbbs first year requirements for medical students

  • Apron/White coat. Aah… the dream finally coming true!
  • Bone set. A bone set is going to be your study buddy throughout the year!
  • Textbooks. Is learning Medicine ever complete without the textbooks?
  • Stethoscope.
  • Dissection set.
  • Colour pencils for Histology.
  • Pen torch.
  • Thermometer.
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How difficult is NEET?

NEET (National Eligibility Cum Entrance Test) exam is indeed one of the toughest national medical entrance exams in India. The competition being utterly high and the factor of limited seats for admissions makes NEET even tougher. Approximately, participants do admit without hesitation that it is a tough exam.

Is a medical degree from India enough to become a doctor?

Still, the basic and advanced medical degree from India does not carry much weight or do not qualify automaticall The answer is practical No. The Indian medical degree may be qualified to sit for the licencing examination of countries like USA/UK/Australia but it does not automatically confer the right to practice.

Do medical students enjoy their lives?

Of course medical students enjoy their lives. Studying does take up a lot of our time outside of classroom lectures and clinical postings but we do find time to do the things that we love. At least I did. 🙂 We didn’t have a lot of money to go around but we did have fun in a way I can’t do now.

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What is it like being a medical student at Uni?

University is about a lot more than simply gaining a degree, you will learn a lot about yourself and other people and hopefully build yourself into someone who is capable of being a good doctor. 4. Being a medical student isn’t all about studying medicine All these activities that you can do in your spare time aren’t just about having fun, however.

Which is the best country to study medicine outside India?

UK, Canada and Australia are highly recognised and preferred than a degree from an Indian medical college if you want to practice and work in medicine at foreign shores. Edit: Thank you very much for the views and upvotes.