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What is magnetic flux density a measure of?

What is magnetic flux density a measure of?

The definition of H is H = B/μ − M, where B is the magnetic flux density, a measure of the actual magnetic field within a material considered as a concentration of magnetic field lines, or flux, per unit cross-sectional area; μ is the magnetic permeability; and M is the magnetization.

What is magnetic flux density equation?

To calculate the strength of a magnetic force on a wire you must find the magnetic flux density . This is measured in a unit called tesla. The equation for calculating the force on a wire is Force (N) = magnetic flux density (T) × current (A) × length (m) or, in short F = B I L.

What is the difference between magnetic flux and flux density?

The main difference between magnetic flux and magnetic flux density is that magnetic flux is a scalar quantity whereas magnetic flux density is a vector quantity. Magnetic flux is the scalar product of the magnetic flux density and the area vector.

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What is magnetic flux short answer?

Magnetic flux is a measurement of the total magnetic field which passes through a given area. The angle at which the field line intersects the area is also important. A field line passing through at a glancing angle will only contribute a small component of the field to the magnetic flux.

What is the relation between flux density and magnetic flux?

The relation between the flux density (B) and magnetic flux intensity (H) is given by B = μH.

How do you calculate magnetic flux?

First,determine the magnetic field. Measure the strength of the magnetic field.

  • Next,determine the total area. Calculate the total area the magnetic field is moving through.
  • Next,determine the angle. Calculate the angle between the magnetic field and the area.
  • Finally,calculate the magnetic flux. Calculate the magnetic flux using the formula above.
  • How do you calculate flux density?

    The following formula expresses the flux density: Where Φ is the flux and A is the cross-sectional area in square meters (m2) of the magnetic field. The Gauss. Although the Tesla (T) is the SI unit for the unit for flux density, another unit is called the gauss, from the CGS (centimeter-gram-second) system, is sometimes used (104 gauss = 1 T).

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    What is the formula for magnetic flux?

    The value of magnetic flux is a vector quantity and it depends on the direction of the magnetic field. The magnetic flux formula is given by, Where, B = magnetic field, A = surface area and. Θ = angle between the normal to the surface and magnetic field.

    What is the formula for flux density?

    Magnetic Flux Density formula. Its symbol is B, and its SI unit is the Tesla (T). One tesla equals one weber per square meter (WB/m 2 ). The following formula expresses the flux density: Where Φ is the flux and A is the cross-sectional area in square meters (m 2) of the magnetic field.