Useful tips

What is physical memory usage?

What is physical memory usage?

The Physical Memory in megabytes is the amount of Total RAM installed on the computer or Available RAM for handling processes. The amount of physical memory used to map open files is denoted by the Cached entry. Available memory includes Free memory, which is memory currently used for absolutely nothing.

Why is my physical memory usage so high?

High physical memory usage is often a consequence of using too many demanding apps, but can also be the result of a bug in a process that would normally be far less resource-intensive. Slow processing can stem from a variety of different causes, some of which will be more difficult to fix than others.

How much RAM do I need for shared hosting?

The dashboard could easily become too slow or even not responsive. And although theoretically 386 MB of RAM should be enough for a WP website, the practice shows that it’s recommended to have 512 MB of RAM or more.

How do I increase physical memory in cPanel?

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How to increase the PHP Memory Limit in cPanel

  1. 1) Log into cPanel.
  2. 2) Look for the SOFTWARE section and click on Select PHP version.
  3. 3) In the new window click on the Switch To PHP Options button.
  4. 4) Here you can locate the memory_limit and click on the value.

What happens when physical memory is full?

If your RAM is full, your computer is slow, and its hard drive light is constantly blinking, your computer is swapping to disk. This is a sign that your computer is using your hard disk, which is much slower to access, as an “overflow” for your memory.

Is physical memory same as main memory?

Primary storage (also main memory and physical memory) are generally used interchangeably to refer to the memory that is attached directly to the processor. Secondary storage is storage that is not directly connected to the CPU. The most common case of secondary storage is the hard disk.

Is 80 memory usage bad?

First, 80\% memory usage is pretty high. And keep in mind, areas of memory used must be contiguous. If you have larger chunks of data than there is available contiguous memory, you still might be doing a lot of paging. Second, being memory bound is not the only thing that can make a machine run slowly.

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Is 4GB RAM enough for VPS?

How much RAM do you need for a gaming server on a VPS? However, it’s important to remember that to keep your game up and running without any lags, you’ll need an excellent VPS plan with at least 3GB to 4GB of RAM. We recommend you start with the Snappy 4000 VPS hosting plan if you’re running a gaming server.

How much RAM does a webserver need?

So the most important thing is, that you have enough RAM for all your running processes. For a web server, with MySQL installed and little to average traffic, 2 GB RAM is recommended for a VPS.

What does physical memory usage in cPanel?

What is physical memory usage in cPanel? Physical memory usage in cPanel displays the amount of RAM (in Megabytes) the processes in your account are consuming at that moment. Every page, PHP module, script, etc., use a specific amount of memory. Depending on your hosting plan, the limits for memory usage are given.

How do I increase my shared hosting memory limit?

You simply need to add the command: ini_set(‘memory_limit’,’XM’); in your wp-config. php file that is placed in the root folder of your WordPress installation. Note: X is the number of MBs you wish to increase the memory limit to. ini_set(‘memory_limit’,’256M’);

Is it bad to have too much RAM on shared hosting?

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Bigger CPU and RAM on shared hosting does not mean that your website will be able to handle more traffic with proper speed. The shared hosts which don’t display RAM and/or CPU limits can be both bad and good. The shared hosts which do display RAM and/or CPU limits can be also both bad and good.

What is the difference between physical and virtual memory?

The term physical memory is generally used to contrast main memory with virtual memory, in which the contents of RAM are temporarily transferred to storage to make room for another program. See memory, virtual memory and RAM.

How to check the physical memory usage of a process?

You can see individual process physical memory usage by monitoring RES column in top output for the process. Because similar processes (like PHP) share a lot of their memory, physical memory usage is often much lower then virtual memory usage. Additionally physical memory includes shared memory used by the customer, as well as disk cache.

What is a shared hosting?

A shared hosting buys or rents a server. (It does not matter for this article whether it’s a dedicated server, a VPS or a cloud solution). The server has limited resources. (E.g. 2 CPU cores and 64 GB RAM. And let’s ignore other resources like bandwidth, storage etc as we are focusing on CPU and RAM).