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What is reactivity of polymer?

What is reactivity of polymer?

A reaction that results in a chemical exchange between two reactive groups, either between two different molecules, either polymeric or low-molar-mass, or between two non-adjacent sites within the same macromolecule. Note. A typical interchange reaction that occurs with polyesters is called transesterification.

What is the polymer principle?

The chemical reaction in which high molecular mass molecules are formed from monomers is known as polymerization. There are two basic types of polymerization, chain-reaction (or addition) and step-reaction (or condensation) polymerization.

What are the 5 properties of polymers?

Physical properties of polymers include molecular weight, molar volume, density, degree of polymerization, crystallinity of material, and so on.

What are 3 properties of polymers?

Heat capacity/ Heat conductivity. The extent to which the plastic or polymer acts as an effective insulator against the flow of heat.

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  • Thermal expansion. The extent to which the polymer expands or contracts when heated or cooled.
  • Crystallinity.
  • Permeability.
  • Elastic modulus.
  • Tensile strength.
  • Resilience.
  • Refractive index.
  • What are reactivity ratios?

    The reactivity ratio is a measure of the tendency for a comonomer to show a preference for insertion into a growing chain in which the last inserted unit was the same, rather than the other comonomer.

    What are the characteristics of polymer?

    Characteristics of Polymers

    • Low specific gravity and high specific strength.
    • Thermal and electrical insulations.
    • Corrosion and weather resistances.
    • They can be processed in various ways to produce thin fibres or intricate parts (High elongation)
    • Ease in design and manufacturing of complicated structures.

    What are the 4 types of polymers?

    Synthetic polymers are human-made polymers. They can be classified into four main categories: thermoplastics, thermosets, elastomers, and synthetic fibers.

    What factors affect the properties of polymers?

    Polymer properties depend on the chemicals that the polymer is made from and polymerization conditions that ultimately set molecular architecture: chemical linkage type, chain length, and the nature of the end groups. The type of the monomer-repeat unit that forms a polymer has a strong effect on polymer properties.

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    How do you measure reactivity ratio?

    (a) Reactivity ratios are defined by the ratios of the propagation rate constants for adding a monomer (A or B) to a growing chain end of the same identity. rA = kAA/kAB represents the preference of a chain with a terminal A unit for similar monomers of type A and likewise for rB.

    How many elements are there in the reactivity series?

    The topmost five elements, form lithium to sodium are known as very active metals; hence they react with cold water to produce the hydroxide and hydrogen gas….Reactivity Series of metals Chart.

    Metal Lithium
    Symbol Li
    Reactivity Displaces H2 gas from water, steam and acids and forms hydroxides.
    Extraction Electrolysis