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What is the characteristics of music of Franz Liszt?

What is the characteristics of music of Franz Liszt?

Franz Liszt was the greatest piano virtuoso of his time. He was the first to give complete solo recitals as a pianist. He was a composer of enormous originality, extending harmonic language and anticipating the atonal music of the 20th century. He invented the symphonic poem for orchestra.

What type of music did Franz Liszt compose?

piano music
Liszt was a prolific composer. He is best known for his piano music, but he also wrote for orchestra and for other ensembles, virtually always including keyboard. His piano works are often marked by their difficulty. Some of his works are programmatic, based on extra-musical inspirations such as poetry or art.

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Which of the following best describes Franz Liszt as a composer and a performer?

8 Cards in this Set

What body of music did Liszt compose to display his Mastery of the piano? Transcendental etudes
Which of the following best describes Franz Liszt as a composer and performer? Virtuoso

Did Liszt have Marfan?

For a pianist, the logical answer would seem to be yes. Both Rachmaninoff and Liszt had legendarily large mitts. It’s even speculated that the former may have had a genetic disease called Marfan syndrome in which long fingers are a symptom.

Why is Franz Liszt important to music?

Franz Liszt was the greatest piano virtuoso of his time. He was the first to give complete solo recitals as a pianist. He was a composer of enormous originality, extending harmonic language and anticipating the atonal music of the 20th century.

Did you know that Franz Liszt lived next to Erard piano?

As luck would have it, on a trip to Paris, Franz Liszt stayed in a hotel right across the street from Erard Piano – a trailblazing piano maker that invented the double escapement movement that sped up the piano and significantly reduced the limitations of previous generations of pianos.

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When did the Liszt family move to Paris?

The Liszt family moved en masse to Paris in 1825 in support of their virtuoso son, Franz.

How old was Franz Liszt when he played in 1825?

Liszt, aged only 14, played a concert in the Theatre Royal Manchester (England) in 1825. A critic reported that ‘In power of tone, he is, perhaps, rather deficient’.