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What is the difference between discrete and continuous process?

What is the difference between discrete and continuous process?

Discrete data is a numerical type of data that includes whole, concrete numbers with specific and fixed data values determined by counting. Continuous data includes complex numbers and varying data values that are measured over a specific time interval.

What is continuous dynamic system?

A continuous dynamical system is a dynamical system whose state evolves over state space continuously over according to a fixed rule. For more details, see the introduction to continuous dynamical systems, or for an introduction into the concepts behind dynamical systems in general, see the idea of a dynamical system.

What is a discrete time dynamical system?

Discrete time dynamical system is another type where the time variable is modeled to be discrete and a time delay is built into the system.

Is time continuous or discrete?

Time is a continuous variable. You could turn age into a discrete variable and then you could count it. For example: A person’s age in years.

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What is difference between discrete and continuous variable?

A discrete variable is a variable whose value is obtained by counting. A continuous variable is a variable whose value is obtained by measuring.

What are three examples of dynamic systems?

Examples of dynamical systems include population growth, a swinging pendulum, the motions of celestial bodies, and the behavior of “rational” individuals playing a negotiation game, to name a few. The first three examples sound legitimate, as those are systems that typically appear in physics textbooks.

What is the meaning of dynamic system?

A dynamic system is a system or process in which motion occurs, or includes active forces, as opposed to static conditions with no motion. Dynamic systems by their very nature are constantly moving or must change states to be useful. These types of systems include: Vehicles.

How do you classify a discrete dynamic system?

The discrete time systems can be classified as follows:

  1. Static/Dynamic.
  2. Causal/Non-Causal.
  3. Time invariant/Time variant.
  4. Linear/Non-Linear.
  5. Stable/Unstable.

Is gender discrete or continuous?

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Variable Reference Table : Few Examples

Variable Variable Type Variable Scale
Gender Discrete Categorical
Gender as Binary 1/0 Coding Discrete Categorical
True/False Discrete Categorical
Phone Number Discrete Nominal

What are examples of discrete and continuous variables?

Difference between Discrete and Continuous Variable

Discrete Variable Continuous Variable
Examples: Number of planets around the Sun Number of students in a class Examples: Number of stars in the space Height or weight of the students in a particular class

What is discrete and continuous in research?

Discrete and continuous variables are two types of quantitative variables: Discrete variables represent counts (e.g. the number of objects in a collection). Continuous variables represent measurable amounts (e.g. water volume or weight).

A process where time is continuous but one or more variable describing the system is discrete such as a manufacturing line where the number of items waiting to be processed at a particular station is a discrete integer but the time to process an item could be any positive real number.

What is a discrete dynamic process?

A discrete dynamic process could be one or more of the following depending on how the term discrete is interpreted. 1. A process where the variables that describe the process and the time variable are discrete, such as a microcomputer system where things only happen at clock ticks and all the signals are either ones or zeros with no analog values.

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What is a dynamic process in a microprocessor?

A dynamic process is one where some aspect of the process changes over time. In this case time may be a discrete or continuous variable. In a microprocessor system things only happen at the edges of clock signals so time is discrete. When calculating the position of a ship this can be done at any time so the time variable is continuous.

Is time discrete or continuous in a microprocessor?

In a microprocessor system things only happen at the edges of clock signals so time is discrete. When calculating the position of a ship this can be done at any time so the time variable is continuous. A discrete dynamic process could be one or more of the following depending on how the term discrete is interpreted.