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What is the difference between epidemiology and clinical epidemiology?

What is the difference between epidemiology and clinical epidemiology?

Classical epidemiology is generally focused on the distribution and determinants of disease (population level), while clinical epidemiology is the application of the principles and methods of epidemiology to conduct, appraise, or apply clinical research for the purpose of improving prevention, diagnosis, prognosis, and …

What is the difference between clinician and epidemiologist?

Although epidemiologists and direct health-care providers (clinicians) are both concerned with occurrence and control of disease, they differ greatly in how they view “the patient.” The clinician is concerned about the health of an individual; the epidemiologist is concerned about the collective health of the people in …

What is the difference between clinical medicine and public health?

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The clinical health care provider — your doctor, nurse, or dentist — helps you with your own personal healthcare issues. Public health is also concerned with whether the people with asthma have access to doctors and are getting good care.

What is meant by clinical epidemiology?

Clinical epidemiology is the study of the patterns, causes, and effects of health and disease in patient populations and the relationships between exposures or treatments and health outcomes.

What is the relationship between epidemiology and clinical medicine?

While of value in clinical research and the choice and analysis of preventive and curative methods, clinical epidemiology is also important for elucidating the natural history and causative factors of diseases, determining the effectiveness of new procedures, assessing the benefits to be gained from them, and …

How is epidemiology and clinical medicine related?

Epidemiology has given clinicians strong methods for answering clinical questions, a population perspective on the care of individual patients, and the scientific basis for preventive health care. Clinical medicine and epidemiology began together, then drifted apart.

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What does and epidemiologist do?

Epidemiologists are public health workers who investigate patterns and causes of disease and injury. They seek to reduce the risk and occurrence of negative health outcomes through research, community education and health policy.

What is epidemiology and why is it important?

Epidemiology identifies the distribution of diseases, factors underlying their source and cause, and methods for their control; this requires an understanding of how political, social and scientific factors intersect to exacerbate disease risk, which makes epidemiology a unique science.

What are the main similarities and differences in medicine and public health?

The biggest difference between public health and medicine is that public health deals with health from the perspective of populations, while medicine deals with health from the perspective of individuals. In medicine, the patient is the individual person. In public health, the patient is the entire community.

What are the roles of epidemiology in public health?

Epidemiology is the study of disease in populations. Epidemiological methods are used for disease surveillance to identify which hazards are the most important. Epidemiological studies are also used to identify risk factors which may represent critical control points in the food production system.

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Are clinical trials epidemiology?

Most fall into the specialized area of clinical trials, which are epidemiologic studies of different treatments for patients who already have some disease (trial is used as a synonym for ex- periment).

Why is clinical epidemiology important?

In recent years, clinical epidemiology has become important for the health care system because of the need for assessments in the areas of quality of care, patient safety, health economics, and use of resources, all of which are based on clinical epidemiology thinking.