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What is the difference between internal & external reversibility explain with examples?

What is the difference between internal & external reversibility explain with examples?

Conversely, internal irreversibilities occur due to friction or a system moving through non-equilibrium states. An externally reversible process means that heat is transferred to the system by the surrounding environment very slowly, through a series of infinitessimal temperature differences.

What is internal and external irreversibility?

When there is irreversibility between the system and the sur- rounding, this irreversibility is known as ‘external irreversibility’ whereas the irreversibility within the system is known as ‘internal irreversibility’. The Concept of Heat Engine. Work can be easily converted into heat. For example, if we rub.

What are examples of reversible process?

Examples of Reversible Process

  • extension of springs.
  • slow adiabatic compression or expansion of gases.
  • electrolysis (with no resistance in the electrolyte)
  • the frictionless motion of solids.
  • slow isothermal compression or expansion of gases.
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What are reversible processes in physics?

A reversible process is defined as a process in which the system and surroundings can be returned to the original conditions from the final state without producing any changes in the thermodynamics properties of the universe, if the process is reversed.

What is the difference between reversible and internally reversible?

A reversible process is a process that can be reversed without leaving any trace on the suround- ings. A process is internally reversible if no irreversibilities occur within the boundaries of the system during the process.

What is external irreversibility?

1) External Irreversibility: These are the associated with dissipating effects outside the working fluid. For example: mechanical friction occurring during the process due to some external source.

What are the examples of reversible and irreversible?

The freezing of ice and the melting of wax are examples of reversible change. Irreversible Change–A change that cannot be reversed is called an irreversible change. The burning of wood and rusting of iron are examples of irreversible change.

What is the difference between reversible and irreversible?

A reversible process is a change that can be retraced in a reverse (opposite) direction. An irreversible process is a change that cannot be retraced in a reverse (opposite) direction.

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What is the difference between reversible and irreversible processes?

A reversible process is one in which both the system and its environment can return to exactly the states they were in by following the reverse path. An irreversible process is one in which the system and its environment cannot return together to exactly the states that they were in.

What are the differences between reversible and irreversible changes?

A change which cannot happen backward, that is, it cannot be reversed is called an irreversible change….Difference between physical and chemical changes.

Physical changes Chemical changes
Mostly reversible changes. All are irreversible changes.
A new substance is not formed. A new substance is formed.

What is difference between reversible and irreversible give example?

Hint: We have to find the difference between the reversible process and irreversible process….Complete answer:

Reversible process Irreversible process
(2) Reversible processes can take place either in forward direction or in backward direction. (2) Irreversible processes can take place only in one direction.
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What is an externally reversible process?

Externally reversible process: if no irreversibilities occur outside the system boundaries during the process. Heat transfer between a reservoir and a system is an externally reversible process if the surface of contact between the system and reservoir is at the same temperature.

What is the difference between internally reversible and total reversible?

A process is called “internally reversible” if no irreversibility occur within the boundaries of the system during the process. A reversible process also termed as Total reversible is defined as a process that can be reversed without leaving any trace on either system or surroundings.

What is the adjective for reversible or irreversible process?

In thermodynamics there are no internally or externally or in other ‘lly reversible processes. Neither reversible processes nor irreversible processes have adjectives (except, ’cyclic’).

What are boundboundaries in a reversible process?

boundaries of the system during the process. A reversible process also termed as Total reversible is defined as a process that can be reversed without leaving any trace on either system or surroundings. This is possible if the net work and heat is 0 for the combined process.