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What is the difference between romantic love and platonic love?

What is the difference between romantic love and platonic love?

A romantic relationship is a close relationship to another person that involves deep friendship as well as physical intimacy and sex, and maybe even love. A platonic relationship is a relationship between friends, and while these relationships can be loving, they are not physically intimate.

Is platonic love real?

Platonic love involves deep affection, but no romantic or sexual attraction. It’s absolutely possible for people of any gender to maintain a friendship without sexual tension or attraction. When you love someone platonically, you might notice some basic signs of love.

Is romantic love more important than platonic?

They support one another and love each other exactly for who they are, and nothing more. They don’t expect to get anything out of the relationship other than the friendship and mutual love that they share. This allows platonic relationships to be much more unconditional than romantic relationships.

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What is the difference between romantic and platonic attraction?

Platonic means that you have no sexual or romantic interest in the other person. Romantic means that you have a love or infatuation for the other person, and may – or may not- also have a sexual interest.

Is kissing platonic?

The specific body part where it gets kissed also carries different connotations; I Kiss Your Hand, for example, can be a platonic sign of respect, particularly for young people towards their parents/elders, while kisses on face (especially mouth one) is more easily romantic unless the context makes it platonic (like.

Can platonic relationships become romantic?

Platonic relationships can turn into erotic or romantic relationships, but most often the strength lies in the strong friendship. While there might be some sexual tension between platonic friends, they might both decide to keep things simple and not become sexual.

Is platonic love healthy?

There are many benefits of platonic relationships that romantic ones don’t always offer. Cultivating platonic relationships can also help your health. In a large 2010 review, researchers found people with strong social relationships had a 50\% higher likelihood of living longer than those without them.

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Is lip kissing platonic?

Friends do many things to show affection to each other such as kissing on cheeks, forehead or hugging or other type of non sexual physical contact. As far as kissing on lips is to be considered, it shows a form of intimacy but if you two are comfortable with it then it is completely ok.

How do you touch Platonically?

“Platonic touch” refers to any physical contact that isn’t sexual. High-fiving a friend, hugging your date goodnight, and even giving a long-term girlfriend a back rub all count as platonic touch. It so happens that physical touching is one of the two key elements of building physical intimacy.

Love based on sexual attraction and physical intimacy is referred to as romantic love. While love, that has no romantic intent or sexual attraction is understood as platonic love. Platonic love can come from anywhere, but most generally it is used to describe strong friendships.

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Can you love someone platonically?

Can you be platonically in love with someone? You can love someone platonically, but it won’t look the same as a relationship with a romantic subject of love. Platonic lovers are connected deeply and have a special understanding of one another. Platonic relationships, platonic friends, and platonic lovers are often sacred.

Is it okay to have a platonic relationship while in marriage?

You have the right to enjoy the platonic relationship while in marriage. You should be respectful towards your romantic partner and honor your platonic love as well. With some managing, you can do it and it can be beneficial to your growth as a person.

Are platonic friendships unrequited love?

Platonic friendships are not unrequited love. Unrequited love is when one person in the friendship has feelings for the other, while the other may not be aware or not feel the same way. In a platonic friendship, neither person has feelings for each other. This makes platonic friendships rare in some ways.