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What is the difference between water and fire tube boiler?

What is the difference between water and fire tube boiler?

The firetube boiler passes combustion gas inside a series of tubes surrounded by water in a vessel to produce steam, while a watertube instead sends water through a series of tubes surrounded by combustion gas used to transfer heat energy and produce steam.

What is fire tube boiler with example?

Since fire is inside the tubes and hence it is named as fire tube boiler. The heat from the hot gases is conducted through the walls of the tube to the water. The examples of the fire tube boiler are the simple vertical, Cochran, Lancashire, Cornish, Locomotive, Scotch marine, and Velcon boiler.

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What are different types of boiler?

Different Types of Boilers

  • Steam Boiler. Both hot water and steam boilers use a heat exchanger as a tool to heat water and distribute it to a piped system connected to radiators around the home.
  • Hot Water Boiler.
  • Natural Gas Boiler.
  • Electric Boiler.
  • Oil Boiler.
  • Condensing Boiler.

What are the advantages of fire tube boiler?

Fire tube boilers are a lower cost alternative to water tube boilers and are often used for smaller industrial facilities with lower operating pressures. The main advantages of a fire tube boiler are its simple construction, compact size and the ability to easily meet rapid fluctuations in steam demand.

Where are fire tube boilers used?

Fire-tube boilers have the advantage of being easy to install and operate. They are widely used in small installations to heat buildings and to provide power for factory processes. Fire-tube boilers are also used in steam locomotives.

What are the advantages of a fire tube boiler?

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What are the advantages and disadvantages of a fire tube boiler?


1. Fire tube boiler is in simple design and has a low maintenance cost.
5. No pure feed water is required in FTB, So cost can be minimized because pure feed water is costly.
6. For the same power output, the cost of a fire tube boiler is less as compared to a water tube boiler.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of fire tube boilers?

What are the four types of fire tube boiler?

Types of fire-tube boiler

  • Cornish boiler.
  • Lancashire boiler.
  • Scotch marine boiler.
  • Locomotive boiler.
  • Vertical fire-tube boiler.
  • Horizontal return tubular boiler.
  • Admiralty-type direct tube boiler.
  • Immersion fired boiler.

What are the different parts of a smoke tube boiler?

Internal Furnace Smoke Tube Boiler: On the basis of Heat Transfer methods between the flue gases and water, most boilers can be divided into two basic parts: Furnace: Where the radiation heat transfer dominate Tubes: Where the convection heat transfer is prominent

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What is a water tube boiler?

Contrary to smoke tube boilers, water tube boilers are that in which water circulates in tubes. Fuel is burned inside the furnace, creating hot gas which heats water in the steam-generating tubes. This boilers include Π type water tube boiler, some waste heat recovery boiler and D type water tube boiler.

Why is a smoke tube boiler used in a sawmill?

Often the boilers cannot be operated the full operational year. In heating plants and saw-mills, a cost-efficient and compact way to recuperate the energy in the hot flue gas, is by means of a smoke tube boiler.

Why Thermodyne engineering systems for internal furnace smoke tube boiler?

We at Thermodyne Engineering Systems are the top boiler manufacturer of Internal furnace smoke tube Boilers. Intech is skid mounted design and so no special foundation work is required. This saves a lot of cost and space. Since there is no external furnace in these kinds of boilers so no brickwork is required at the site.