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What is the difference between Wikipedia and Quora?

What is the difference between Wikipedia and Quora?

Quora is used for sharing knowledge, Wikipedia is used for making high school projects. Quora is used intentionally, Wikipedia is used by chance because Google takes us there when we search something.

Which is better Wikipedia or Quora?

Both are accurate and reliable. Quora is about sharing knowledge. It’s a people and their experiences centric platform. Wikipedia is about establishing and making factual information available.

Is Quora a credible source?

If you’re not familiar with Quora, it is a question-and-answer site similar to Yahoo! Answers where users can ask questions, and answer other’s questions. The truth is, Quora is only as reliable as the person answering your question, and your question is only as useful as the details you provide.

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What is the difference between Google and Wikipedia?

Google is generally a search engine that indexes web sites around the world. Wikipedia stores all the information and images that are entered into its own database and you would not be able to it using any other site when the Wikipedia site is down.

What do you think about Quora?

Quora’s content is more repetitive; rather than merging all answers into one article and trying to collaborate to improve it, you have a bunch of people trying to give the most comprehensive and well-written answers possible, so that people sometimes have to wade through comments expressing similar information and sentiments.

Why is Quora so popular among explorers?

Well, one of the key ways knowledge actually grows is through the questions we ask. My hunch is that the kind of question-answer dynamic that Quora offers is what makes it so enthralling to us explorers. By contrast to Wikipedia, Quora is not past-bound.

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When did Quora become available to the public?

Quora first became available to the public on June 21, 2010, and was praised for its interface and for the quality of the answers written by its users, many of whom were recognized as experts in their fields.

Is Quora a threat to Wikipedia?

Quora still has a long way to go, before it becomes a threat to Wikipedia. And good reasons for it too. Quora is still primarily in English, and that effectively cuts it out from the Netizens of the world, who do not know English. Wikipedia has pages in almost every possible language on Earth.