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What is the probability of flipping 5 heads in a row?

What is the probability of flipping 5 heads in a row?

So we can represent it as 1/2^n (half to the power of n) where n is the number of times we flip the coin. So the odds of flipping a coin 5 times and getting 5 heads are 1/2 ^5 (half to the power of 5). Which gives us 1/32 or just over a 3\% chance.

What is the probability of getting at least 5 heads when flipping a fair coin 10 times?

1 in 4
If you flip a fair coin 10 times, you can get 0 heads about 0.1\% of the time, 1 head about 1\% of the time, 2 heads about 4\% of the time, 3 heads about 12\% of the time, 4 heads about 21\% of the time, and 5 heads about 25\% of the time. Thus, the chances of getting 5 heads is about 1 in 4.

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What is the probability of obtaining 5 tails in a row when flipping a coin?

The probability of obtaining 5 heads or 5 tails or a heads + b tails in a row with a+b=5 is always (1/2)^5=[(1/2)^a][(1/2)^b]=1/32=0.03125= 3.125\%.

What is the probability of getting five heads?

6 Answers. The answer you got – 0.246 is the probability of getting ‘exactly’ 5 heads.

What is the chance of getting tails 5 times in a row?

The probability of flipping heads on any one flip of the coin is 1/2. The probability of flipping 5 heads in a row would be: 1/2 x 1/2 x 1/2 x 1/2 x 1/2=1/32, or 0.03125…………….

What are the odds of 5 tails in a row?

Non-Solution #5: At first glance it might seem that since the probability of getting 3 heads in a row is 1/8 and the probability of getting 5 tails in a row is 1/32, that getting 3 heads in a row first should occur 4 times as often.

What is the probability of 5 heads in 8 coin tosses?

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The ratio of successful events A = 93 to the total number of possible combinations of a sample space S = 256 is the probability of 5 heads in 8 coin tosses. Users may refer the below solved example work with steps to learn how to find what is the probability of getting at-least 5 heads, if a coin is tossed eight times or 8 coins tossed together.

What is the chance of a coin having heads in row?

The chance is 1/2 or 50\% as its stated in the question that the coin is fair. As stated in other answers, the coin does not know the previous state/result. A fair coin can have heads 5 times in row or more if you flip it enough times.

What is the probability of getting tails on the next coin flip?

Each flip of the coin is what is defined as “AN INDEPENDENT EVENT”, that is the result of ANY COIN FLIP HAS NO IMPACT WHATSOEVER on the result of any other coin flip. Consequently the Probability of getting a TAILS on the next coin flip is ( 0.5 ) or ( 1/2 ) or 50\%.

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Is it possible to get 5 heads in a row?

If I flip a FAIR coin and get HEADS five times in a row, I immediately wonder “Is the coin actually fair?” Yes, I know that there is a finite (albeit small) Probability of getting 5 Heads in a row from 5 coin flips but is it likely. Possible (Probable?)? YES. LIKELY FOR A FAIR COIN? I’m not so sure!