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What is the purpose of chimney in nuclear power plant?

What is the purpose of chimney in nuclear power plant?

Originally Answered: Why are there big chimneys in a nuclear power plant? those chimneys are cooling towers for cooling the hot fluids say water. it releases the excess heat to the atmosphere by cooling down hot water to a lower temperature.

What are the big chimneys at power plants?

These belching behemoths are cooling towers. In the UK’s creaking, outdated power stations coal is burnt to heat water to steam. The steam is sent through turbines at high speed generating electricity. Once through the turbine a huge amount of energy remains in the hot water.

Why do power plants have stacks?

A smokestack, stack, or chimney is a tall vertical pipe or channel used by power plants to exhaust combustion gases into the air. This height disperses pollutants over a wider area in order to minimize their impact.

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Why did Chernobyl have a chimney?

The chimney served, as any chimney, to disperse pollutants into the atmosphere, by the mere principle of being tall. In this case, the pollutants were not chemicals, but radioactive gases produced by the RBMK reactor.

Why are chimneys Hyperbolic?

Hyperbolic towers operate through a chimney, or stack, effect; when the air outside the cooling tower is cooler than the air inside the tower, the air outside forces the humid, inside air to travel upwards.

What is the efficiency of chimney?

Efficiency of chimney draught is of the order of. 8-10\%

What is the purpose of cooling tower?

A cooling tower is designed to remove heat from a building or facility by spraying water down through the tower to exchange heat into the inside of the building. Air comes in from the sides of the tower and passes through the falling water.

What is the difference between smoke stack and chimney?

The chimney on top of a factory or a ship can be called a smokestack. The main difference between the words chimney and smokestack is that you’re more likely to call the flue on top of your house a chimney, saving smokestack for more industrial uses.

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Why are power plant chimneys so tall?

Originally Answered: Why are factory chimneys so high? Factory chimneys were built high to dissipate any chemical discharge into the higher atmosphere to reduce the concentrations from becoming hazardous to the area surrounding the plant.

Why did they bury Chernobyl victims in concrete?

Most of the direct victims are buried at the Mitino cemetery in Moscow. Each body is sealed in a concrete coffin, because of its high radiation. Neither had they provided them with iodine pills to counteract the effects of the radiation.

What was the purpose of the Chernobyl power plant?

The power plant RBMK reactors were of a pressure tube design that used an enriched U-235 uranium dioxide fuel to heat water, creating steam that drives the reactors’ turbines and generates electricity, according to the World Nuclear Association.

Why are power plant stacks so tall?

Tall smokestacks—stacks of 500 feet or higher, which are primarily used at coal power plants—release air pollutants such as sulfur dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) high into the atmosphere to help limit the impact of these emissions on local air quality.

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What is a chimney in a thermal power plant?

The chimney is the plant’s actual thermal engine. It is a pressure tube with low friction loss (like a hydroelectric pressure tube or pen stock) because of its optimal surface–volume ratio.

Why does a chimney need a smokestack?

Because the air inside a smokestack is hotter than the air outside, it is also less dense. This leads to a pressure deferential between the air at the bottom of the smokestack and that outside the chimney, causing outside air to be drawn up into the smokestack and moving air through the attached furnace at an increased rate.

How does the height of a chimney affect the environment?

The height of a chimney influences its ability to transfer high concentration toxic flue gases to the external environment. The dispersion of high concentrated toxic pollutants at higher altitudes will reduce their impact on adjacent surroundings.

How does a solar chimney work?

In a large solar chimney the collector raises the temperature of the air by about 30–35 K. This produces an updraught velocity in the chimney of about 15 m/sec at full load. It is thus possible to enter into an operating solar chimney plant for maintenance without difficulty.