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What is the relation between current and magnetic flux?

What is the relation between current and magnetic flux?

The Law of Physics that relates electric current(I) and magnetic flux (φ) is Ampere’s Circuit Law. It states that the line integral of magnetic flux density(B) along a closed path is equal to the current (I) enclosed by the path multiplied by permeability of the medium. In more simple representation. B = μ H.

Is current the same as flux?

Fluxes and currents are representations. Any quantity that can be written as the surface intergral of a vector field is called the flux of that field through that surface. So, for instance, the electric current I, is the flux of the current density vector J.

Does flux increase with current?

If the flux increases even more then the current is going to increase. We take our right hand point our thumb in the direction of the current point our thumb in the direction of the current and we see if we do that with our right hand. Well, now this would induce a magnetic field that would decrease the flux.

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Does magnetic flux depend on current?

Magnetic flux depends on the shape of the surface and on the enclosed current.

What is flux related to?

Flux is a measure of how much of the field passes through a given surface. F is decomposed into components perpendicular (⊥) and parallel ( ‖ ) to n. Top: Three field lines through a plane surface, one normal to the surface, one parallel, and one intermediate.

What is the relation between magnetic flux and induced emf?

Faraday’s law of induction states that the EMF induced by a change in magnetic flux is EMF=−NΔΦΔt EMF = − N Δ Φ Δ t , when flux changes by Δ in a time Δt.

What is flux in terms of current?

Electric flux is the rate at which the electric field flows through a given area. The electric flux is directly proportional to the number of electric field lines going through the virtual surface.

What relationship can you make between the motion of the magnet and the current produced?

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electromagnetic induction
It occurs whenever a magnetic field and an electric conductor move relative to one another so the conductor crosses lines of force in the magnetic field. The current produced by electromagnetic induction is greater when the magnet or coil moves faster, the coil has more turns, or the magnet is stronger.

How does an increase in current through the coil affect flux density?

Thus the magnetic flux through coil A changes with the current flowing through it. If you look at the formula for magnetic field then you will find that is the directly proportional to the current. So if the current increases the magnetic field of a current element increases and thus the magnetic flux increases.

Does the change in magnetic flux induce current or EMF?

Due to change in magnetic flux, e.m.f. is always induced, but induced current will flow only when the circuit is complete.

What is the difference between electric flux and current?

Electric flux means rate of flow of the electric field (electric lines of force) through a given area and electric flux is proportional to the electric field lines going through a surface. Current is rate of flow of electric charge through any given area.

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What is the flux of current density vector?

So, for instance, the electric current I, is the flux of the current density vector J. Now a current is anything that can be written as a rate of flow of some quantity (eg : mass, charge, spin, probability). In the context of the above example, the electric current is also the rate of flow of charge.

How do you find the electric flux through an area?

The electric flux through an area is defined as the electric field multiplied by the area of the surface projected in a plane perpendicular to the field.

What law of physics relates electric current and magnetic flux?

The Law of Physics that relates electric current (I) and magnetic flux (φ) is Ampere’s Circuit Law. It states that the line integral of magnetic flux density (B) along a closed path is equal to the current (I) enclosed by the path multiplied by permeability of the medium.