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What is the relationship between terminal velocity and mass?

What is the relationship between terminal velocity and mass?

We see from this relation that the terminal velocity of an object is proportional to the object’s mass! The more massive an object, the faster it falls through a fluid. The terminal velocity of a sphere of given material (fixed ρ) varies directly with the square of the radius.

Does the mass of an object affect its terminal velocity?

Terminal velocity is the point at which the drag force equals the force of gravity. Terminal velocity will depend on the mass, cross sectional area, and drag coefficient of the object as well as the density of the fluid through which the object is falling and gravitational accelleration.

How does shape affect terminal velocity?

An object with a large projected area relative to its mass, such as a parachute, has a lower terminal velocity than one with a small projected area relative to its mass, such as a dart. In general, for the same shape and material, the terminal velocity of an object increases with size.

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How does mass and shape affect velocity of sinking objects?

Not mass by itself, but rather density affects how fast an object will sink. The density of an object determines the buoyant force on the object that opposes gravity. The closer the density is to that of water, the slower something will sink (and if the density is less than water’s, then it will never sink).

Is terminal velocity the same for every object?

Any given object falling in a vacuum will always have the same terminal velocity. The only factors that come into play is surface area, the density of the fluid/gas the object is falling through, the projected area of the object, and the drag coefficient ;Drag coefficient – Wikipedia .

Is terminal velocity the same on other planets?

The gravitational pull of the planet is balanced against the atmospheric drag perfectly as some exact velocity, the terminal velocity. So, you ask which has greater effect, the acceleration due to gravity or the drag of air resistance. According to this formula, they have exactly equal effect.

How does mass and size affect terminal velocity?

heavy objects will have a higher terminal velocity than light objects. It takes a larger air resistance force to equal the weight of a heavier object. A larger air resistance force requires more speed.) Therefore, heavy objects will fall faster in air than light objects.

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What affects terminal velocity?

The factors affecting the terminal velocity of an object include:

  • its mass.
  • its surface area.
  • the acceleration due to gravity , g.

Does the shape of an object affect its mass?

Changing the shape does not change its mass or volume, so density remains the same.

Why do objects with different mass fall at the same rate?

Increasing force tends to increase acceleration while increasing mass tends to decrease acceleration. Thus, the greater force on more massive objects is offset by the inverse influence of greater mass. Subsequently, all objects free fall at the same rate of acceleration, regardless of their mass.

Why do objects of different mass fall at the same time?

Because Earth gives everything the exact same acceleration, objects with different masses will still hit the ground at the same time if they are dropped from the same height.

Does the terminal velocity depend on the mass?

Terminal velocity will depend on the mass, cross sectional area, and drag coefficient of the object as well as the density of the fluid through which the object is falling and gravitational accelleration. To answer your question: Generally no.

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Can two objects with the same mass have different terminal velocities?

If two objects were to be traveling at the same terminal velocity, but at different masses, then they should also have differing, but proportional volume or surface area. But having the same mass also doesn’t ensure their terminal velocities are the same.

What is the relationship between terminal velocity and gravitational force?

The gravitational force is a function of mass. So if you were to hold the shape and projected area constant while raising the mass the terminal velocity should increase. Of course drag is also a function of speed and as the velocity increases so would drag—until the increased drag equals the increase in gravitational force.

Why does drag increase at Terminal Velocity?

At terminal velocity the drag is only a function of shape and projected area. The gravitational force is a function of mass. So if you were to hold the shape and projected area constant while raising the mass the terminal velocity should increase.