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What is the singular form of Elohim?

What is the singular form of Elohim?

Elohim, singular Eloah, (Hebrew: God), the God of Israel in the Old Testament. Though Elohim is plural in form, it is understood in the singular sense. …

What does the Bible say about Elohim?

The word Elohim occurs more than 2500 times in the Hebrew Bible, with meanings ranging from “gods” in a general sense (as in Exodus 12:12, where it describes “the gods of Egypt”), to specific gods (the frequent references to Yahweh as the “elohim” of Israel), to demons, seraphim, and other supernatural beings, to the …

Can I name my child Yahweh?

Originally Answered: Would it be all right to name your kid Yahweh? You can name your child any name you wish but remember that it is your child who will have to live with the name for the rest of their life, not you.

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Why is God called Elohim?

Frequently the word Elohim (the Hebrew word for God) is used to assert that God is plural. Naturally, this occurs because the word Elohim is plural in form. In Hebrew the “-im” ending indicates a plural like the “-s” ending in English.

Does ‘Elohim deny a plurality in the essence of God?

There is simply no justification for the notion that ’Elohim denotes a plurality in the essence of God.

Is Elohim the plural of Yahweh?

Right, so if YEHOVAH is a plurality then so is Dagon, Chemosh, and Baal since the word Elohim is applied to them as well. So, either all of the gods of antiquity mentioned in the Bible are plural or we have to make an exception for Elohim by saying it is “the plural of fullness” rather than a numerical plural.

How was Moses like Elohim?

The form of elohim is plural, yet Moses was clearly one person — not a group or family of beings. This is sufficient to indicate that a distinction that must be drawn between the form and the sense of a word. Second, Moses was to be like elohim to Aaron only in the sense that he would be in a position of more authority and respect.