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What Jedis could beat Palpatine?

What Jedis could beat Palpatine?

Darth Sidious was stronger than most Jedi. But these legends characters would’ve given him trouble….10 Jedi from Legends That Could Survive a Fight with Sidious

  • 3 Galen Malek.
  • 4 Kyle Katarn.
  • 5 Mara Jade Skywalker.
  • 6 Meetra Surik.
  • 7 Bastila Shan.
  • 8 Satele Shan.
  • 9 Nomi Sunrider.
  • 10 Revan. Revan was both a Sith and a Jedi.

How powerful was Darth Krayt in Star Wars?

Darth krayt was one of the most powerful sith lords in galactic history. He created sith order of rule of one. This order mandated that there is only true dark lord and all other sith are just minions for this one sith in power. He was very skilled duelist able to defeat likes of cade skywalker and darth wyrlook in duel.

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What was Darth Krayt’s Empire called?

― Moff Rulf Yage [src] Darth Krayt’s Galactic Empire (130 – 138 ABY), also known as the Galactic Empire, the Sith Empire, Darth Krayt’s Sith Empire, the New Empire, or simply the Empire, was the government that formed out of the Fel Empire in 130 ABY, when Darth Krayt, Dark Lord of the Sith, made a coup against Emperor Roan Fel.

What does Darth Krayt say about the Dark Side?

The dark side of the Force lives and manifests itself through me! I reach into the dark side now and send ripples through it to all who serve it—know that I live! ~ Darth Krayt. Darth Krayt, born A’Sharad Hett, is the main antagonist of Star Wars: Legacy & Star Wars: Legacy War.

Why did Darth wyyrlok kill Krayt?

The Sith Lord’s powers proved strong, however, when they saved his life. Darth Krayt was then approached by Darth Wyyrlok, his most trusted advisor, who presumably murdered Krayt, believing the Dread Lord would lead to the Sith Order’s destruction. But, even as he was inactive, Krayt’s ideals were being carried out by Wyyrlok in his place.