Useful tips

What resistance is 4K7?

What resistance is 4K7?

4K7 Resistor color code / 4.700 Ω (Ohms)

How many ohms is a 4K7 resistor?

Vishay on their datasheets for example will state 4K7 = 4.7 k ohms – all very correct when we consider the 4K7 is a form of code.

What happens if I use a higher ohm resistor?

When we replace a resistor with a higher value of resistor, the current in the circuit will decrease by an amount depending upon the value of the new resistor. Where E = voltage in the battery/cell and r = internal resistance of the circuit.

What can I use instead of a resistor?

Because of this, even a good electrical conductor, such as metal wire, can be used as a resistor. Resistance can be adjusted by limiting how thick the wire is, and by increasing or decreasing the conductive path through the wire. Resistance can also be controlled by wire material.

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What does a 470 ohm resistor look like?

So for 470-ohm resistor, 1st digit is ‘ 4 ‘, ∴ look for color in a chart with value 4, then it’s your 1st color(say yellow). The next 2nd digit is ‘ 7 ‘, ∴ look for color in a chart with value 7, then it’s your 2nd color (say violet).

What color is a 470 ohm resistor?

470 Ohm Resistor Color Code: Yellow, Violet, Brown, Golden.

What Colour is a 4K7 resistor?

4.7K Ohm Resistor Color Code: Yellow, Violet, Red, Golden. Resistance: 4.7K Ohm, Power Rating: 1 Watt, Approximate Maximum Current: 14.59mA .

How many watts can a resistor handle?

Generally these types of resistors have standard power ratings up to 500 Watts and are generally connected together to form what are called “resistance banks”.

Is it possible to get a resistor that can change its resistance?

A variable resistor is a resistor of which the electric resistance value can be adjusted. When only two terminals are used, it functions as a variable resistance and is called a rheostat.

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Can I use a fuse as a resistor?

A fuse limits overcurrent damage by opening the circuit above a certain current value. A fuse can be used as a resistor. There are even fusible resistors, which act as a resistor with a definite value but they also act like a fuse on overcurrent. 2.

What color is a 4.7 ohm resistor?

4.7 Ohm Resistor Color Code: Yellow, Violet, Golden, Golden.