Useful tips

What should I know before becoming a Freemason?

What should I know before becoming a Freemason?

The qualifications to join a lodge vary from one jurisdiction to another, but some basic qualifications are common to all regular Masonic lodges:

  • You must believe in a supreme being.
  • You must be joining of your own free will.
  • You must be a man.
  • You must be free-born.
  • You must be of lawful age.

Can anyone be a FreeMason?

Who can be a Freemason? Freemasonry welcomes men of every country, religion, race, age, income, education, and opinion.

Are Masonic temples tax exempt?


Organization zip code Tax code designation Ruling date of organization’s tax exempt status
50627-0175 501(c)(2) 1943-09-01

What is the first step in becoming a Freemason?

Contact a Brother. The first step toward joining Freemasons is to make contact with one or more members in your locality and express your interest in becoming a Brother.

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  • Getting to know you. Before you can petition for membership at least two members of the Order must be willing to recommend in favor of your acceptance.
  • Petitioning the Lodge.
  • What are the qualifications to become a Freemason?

    If you are seeking Membership YOU MUST ASK a Mason or a Masonic Lodge for an application.

  • You must be a man at least 21 (18 in some jurisdictions) years of age.
  • You must be of good moral character.
  • You must have a personal belief in a Supreme Being (the definition of a Supreme Being is up to you)
  • How long does it take to become a Freemason?

    It usually takes between 3 and 4 months in my jurisdiction to become a Master Mason. The first month is the entered apprentice degree, the second month is the fellow craft degree, and the third month is the master mason degree.

    How much does it cost to become a Freemason?

    The initiation fee, sometimes called a petition fee, is the “start up” fee for a Lodge member and it’s what gets the process going. The fee itself is again different from state to state, but the national average is $300, some higher, some lower. That covers your first year and the costs associated with making you a member.