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What was feudal system Class 9 short answer?

What was feudal system Class 9 short answer?

What was feudal system? Answer: It was a system under which land was granted to landlords in return for military or labour services.

What made the feudal system an effective system?

It was a simple, but effective system for the control of society by the King. All land was owned by the King, and one quarter was kept by as his personal property. Some land was given to the Catholic Church and the rest was leased out to others under strict controls.

What are the three functions of feudalism?

According to a classic definition by François-Louis Ganshof (1944), feudalism describes a set of reciprocal legal and military obligations which existed among the warrior nobility and revolved around the three key concepts of lords, vassals and fiefs, though Ganshof himself noted that his treatment was only related to …

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What were the feudal privileges Class 9?

The members of first two estates that is, Clergy and Nobility enjoy certain privileges by birth. They are exempted from paying taxes to the state. Nobles also enjoy ‘feudal’ privileges which include feudal dues extracted from peasants. The church extracts its share of taxes called Tithes from peasants.

What is feudal system history class 11?

Feudalism was a division of society that initially developed in medieval France, then in England and southern Italy. It was a kind of agricultural production relationship between lords and peasants. The nobility had a privileged role in the social process with absolute control over his land.

What was the feudal system and how did it work?

Feudalism was a social system in which ownership of land was granted by a lord to an individual in exchange for his military service. The unit of land given in the agreement was called a fief.

How would you describe the feudal system?

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Key Points Feudalism flourished in Europe between the 9th and 15th centuries. Feudalism in England determined the structure of society around relationships derived from the holding and leasing of land, or fiefs. In England, the feudal pyramid was made up of the king at the top with the nobles, knights, and vassals below him.

What are facts on the feudal system?

Feudalism began in the 9th century in Western and Central Europe.

  • It began in England with the Norman invasion in 1066.
  • Feudal economies are based on land ownership.
  • Your position in society,be it serf,peasant,baron,lord,or royalty was fixed for life.
  • What exactly is the feudal system?

    Feudal system is the most dominant system in Europe during the medieval times, in which nobility exchange lands for military service and labor from the peasants and serfs. It was an effective system used to build the structure of society around relationships, giving land in exchange for service or labor.