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What was the strongest Panzer?

What was the strongest Panzer?

Panzerkampfwagen VIII Maus (English: “Mouse”) was a German World War II super-heavy tank completed in late 1944. It is the heaviest fully enclosed armored fighting vehicle ever built.

What is the heaviest tank in service?

M1A2 Abrams main battle tank
The M1A2 Abrams main battle tank, produced by General Dynamics Land Systems (USA) has a combat weight of 63 tonnes (138,900 lb), making it the heaviest tank currently in operational service. It is equipped with a 120 mm gun and has a top speed of 68 km/h (42 mph).

Was the Maus tank used in combat?

By the time the super-heavy Maus tank rolled out for its first tests in January 1944, the Nazis had — six months after Kursk — effectively lost the war. The Maus (likely) never saw combat as the Soviets overran the Kummersdorf proving grounds on April 21, 1945, capturing Germany’s two prototypes.

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Was the Maus tank effective?

Some historians believe that if enough of them had been produced and deployed, Maus tanks could have changed the outcome of WWII. The effectiveness of tanks in battle had been proven quite conclusively in WWI, and development in tank design had advanced in leaps and bounds in the decades since then.

How heavy is the Maus tank?

188 tonnes
The heaviest tank ever constructed was the German Panzerkampfwagen Maus, which weighed 188 tonnes (414,469 lb). By 1945, it had reached only the experimental stage and was abandoned.

Who made the T28 tank?

The T28 was designed and manufactured by Pacific Car and Foundry. The mechanical superstructure was taken from a T23. The original plan was to build five prototype vehicles, with a production total of 25.

What does the T stand for in American tanks?

T is service test. there is also a B and D for other modifications. ( B for a new hull and D for a different turret)

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What is the maximum speed of panpanzer VIII Maus?

Panzer VIII Maus. The drive train was electrical, designed to provide a maximum speed of 20 kilometres per hour (12 mph) and a minimum speed of 1.5 kilometres per hour (0.93 mph). However, during actual field testing, the maximum speed achieved on hard surfaces was 13 kilometres per hour (8.1 mph) with full motor field,…

What was the difference between the V1 and V2 Maus turrets?

In mid-1944, the V2 prototype was fitted with a powerplant and the first produced Maus turret. This turret was fitted with a 128 mm KwK 44 L/55 gun, a coaxial 75 mm KwK 44 L/36.5 gun and a coaxial 7.92 mm MG 34. The V1 prototype was supposed to be fitted with the second produced turret, but this never happened.

What kind of guns did the Maus tank have?

Weighing 188 metric tons, the Maus’s main armament was the Krupp-designed 128 mm KwK 44 L/55 gun, based on the 12.8 cm Pak 44 anti-tank field artillery piece also used in the casemate-type Jagdtiger tank destroyer, with a coaxial 75 mm KwK 44 L/36.5 gun.

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What is the heaviest armored vehicle in the world?

Panzer VIII Maus. It is the heaviest fully enclosed armoured fighting vehicle ever built. Five were ordered, but only two hulls and one turret were completed before the testing grounds were captured by advancing Soviet military forces. These two prototypes – one with, and the other without a turret – underwent trials in late 1944.