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What would happen if China stopped buying US debt?

What would happen if China stopped buying US debt?

If China (or any other nation having a trade surplus with the U.S.) stops buying U.S. Treasurys or even starts dumping its U.S. forex reserves, its trade surplus would become a trade deficit—something which no export-oriented economy would want, as they would be worse off as a result.

Does the US owe China money 2020?

China’s outstanding foreign debt, including US dollar debt, reached US$2.4 trillion at the end of 2020, up 4 per cent compared with the total at the end of September 2020, according to China’s State Administration of Foreign Exchange….

Year US$
2020 2.4 trillion
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Who is the largest owner of US debt?

Key Takeaways

  • Roughly three-quarters of the government’s debt is public debt, which includes Treasury securities.
  • Japan is the largest foreign holder of public U.S. government debt, owning $1.266 trillion in debt as of April 2020.

Who owes America the most money?

Nearly one-third of the national debt is owed to other countries. China is the biggest foreign creditor ($1.144 trillion), followed by Japan ($1.076 trillion), but together they own less than 15 percent of it. Mexico and Canada together are owed $90 billion.

Does China owe anybody money?

As of 2020, China’s total government debt stands at approximately CN¥ 46 trillion (US$ 7.0 trillion), equivalent to about 45\% of GDP. The three government-owned banks (China Development Bank, Agricultural Development Bank of China and Exim Bank of China) owe a further 29\% of GDP.

What will happen if the US goes to war with China?

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China is going to at least threaten to dump all of its US currency holdings and drive down the value of the dollar. The US can intervene to prop up the currency, but it will be expensive, so if there is a war with China, the President is going to have to convince people that the war really is worth much higher taxes.

What would happen to China if the US defaulted on debt?

Paul Solman: If we went into default, China would have to accept less money on its loans to the U.S. — i.e., the U.S. Treasuries it holds. If we repudiated — that is to say, renounced our debts, as China itself did after Mao took over — China would own nothing but a lot of worthless U.S. IOUs, as the holders of Chinese debt did after 1949.

How much does China spend on its defense?

Defense spending was around $714 billion in the 2020 fiscal year — and is likely to increase to $733 billion in 2021. Somewhat opaque, China’s defense spending is certainly smaller, with this defense budget set at 1.36 trillion yuan ($212.6 billion), a 6.8\% increase from the previous year.

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How would you balance China’s and the US’s military?

The military balance between China and the United States is complicated, and requires thinking about budgets, numbers of warships and aircraft, geography, alliance systems and technology — especially undersea capability, cybersecurity and space. Let’s start with dollars and yuan.