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What would happen if the earth was a cube shape?

What would happen if the earth was a cube shape?

The top and the bottom faces would be polar, while the remaing four sides would enjoy an equatorial climate. However, if the Earth was a cube that rotated through its corners, then each side would have a temperate climate, you could say good bye to extreme temperatures and precipitation.

What causes the earth to be in spheroid shape?

The rotation of the earth causes the earth to swell more at the equator, compared to at the poles. When the earth rotates, there is a strong outward force on the earth matter near the equator. This force causes the swelling, and gives the earth the oblate spheroid shape.

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What happens if the earth Stood Still?

If the earth stood still, the oceans would gradually migrate toward the poles and cause land in the equatorial region to emerge. The line that delineates the areas that hydrologically contribute to one or the other ocean would follow the equator if the earth was a perfect ellipsoid.

Was the earth ever a perfect sphere?

The Earth is not a perfect sphere. Because it is spinning, it “bulges” at the middle. This makes the Earth a “squished sphere,” or “oblate spheroid.” “Datums” include an approximation of this spheroid.

How does the Earth contribute to its shape?

Today, scientists use geodesy, which is the science of measuring Earth’s shape, gravity and rotation. Because of the force caused when Earth rotates, the North and South Poles are slightly flat. Earth’s rotation, wobbly motion and other forces are making the planet change shape very slowly, but it is still round.

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What caused the Earth’s shape?

Scientists using NASA satellite data found the shape of the Earth appears to be influenced by big climate events that cause changes in the mass of water stored in oceans, continents and atmosphere. The study examined Earth’s oblateness, how much its rounded shape flattens at the poles and widens at the equator.

What would happen to friction if there were no solids?

If the two surfaces are very smooth, and uncontaminated by oxidation, lubricant, or other impurity, they bond immovably. Thus, friction would cease to exist only if binding forces between atoms ceased to exist. In that case, not only would there be no solids, there would not even be liquids either.

What would happen if there was no frictional heating?

There would be no frictional heating. It would have changed so many things. The greatest impact of the absence of frictional force on our daily lives is meteorites. They would crash through the atmosphere with out burning, and would cause great damage to life and property.

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What would happen if the Earth stopped spinning suddenly?

If the Earth stopped spinning suddenly, the atmosphere would still be in motion with the Earth’s original 1100 mile per hour rotation speed at the equator. All of the land masses would be scoured clean of anything not attached to bedrock.

Can a spaceship orbit around a black hole without any revolutions?

Due to high gravitational force the ship will be sucked straight into the black hole without any revolutions around it regardless of the movement and any possible orbital corrections of the spaceship. This statement does not make sense. A circular orbit, even at a distance of a few thousand kilometers above the event horizon is perfectly stable.