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What would happen without exams?

What would happen without exams?

Life would be so good in absence of exams. But, if there were no exams, we would not have studied. If we didn’t study, then we wouldn’t have got the knowledge of different things. Because of exams we learn time management and it also increases our thinking capacity.

Why are exams so important?

As exams develop them as an individual, give values, extraordinary thinking, self assessment, overcome failures, filling them with positivity to improve the quality of education. Exams help every teacher to understand the mental capacity of the students and to rectify their shortcomings.

Why there should be no exams in school?

It’s the age-old dilemma: some people don’t perform well in high pressure environments, such as exams. A student could be very intelligent and a hard worker, but they might be bad at taking tests. The test is therefore unfair, because it may not accurately portray a student’s full abilities.

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Are exams necessary?

Exams are very important for every student. Exams are the way to test our knowledge. Without conducting the exams and test students don’t concentrate in their studies and learn their lessons properly. Exams are necessary in schools and colleges to find out the real skills, talents and knowledge of the students.

What if there were no schools essay?

If there were no schools the world of children would be so boring. They would have nothing to do. They would waste their precious time in trivial pastimes. They would roam here and there picking up bad habits such as playing cards, loafing around, playing aimlessly, and getting involved in criminal activities.

Should exams be abolished speech?

Some people say that exams should be abolished because they encouraging. If they have a good study method, they will surely get enough sleep, free from pressure and tension because they know that they are ready for the exam. And, at the same time the students can have their social life and study at the same times.

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Are exams important essay?

It helps in developing one’s personality and confidence. And exams have the major role in providing necessary qualities in life such as hard work, patience, creativeness and leadership. Thismakes them able to overcome their weakness in order to be successful in life. Therefore exams should be compulsory.

Are exams good or bad?

Examinations have good and bad sides. They Can be Constructive as well as Destructive. It all depends on the Personality and Character of a person. Examinations are an important part of academic studies.

What are the disadvantages of exams?

Disadvantages of Exams

  • Source of Stress and Pressure: Some people are burdened with stress with the onset of Examinations.
  • Health Problems: Examinations also lead to various health problems like Headaches, Nausea, Loose Motions, V omitting etc.
  • Loss of Confidence: Failure in Exams leads to loss of confidence for many.

What are the pros and cons of exams?

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Comparison Table for Advantages and Disadvantages of Exams

Advantages of Exams Disadvantages of Exams
Exams assist the individuals in broadening knowledge Anxiety and stress
Create competition Not the right way of testing the knowledge of someone
Scholarships and a bright future Comparison between students

What will happen if no school?

If there were no schools, most people would be illiterate. Not many would be able to read or write which will mean that the learning resources are wasted. People only find the motivation to learn much later in life when they come across something they are interested in. By then, it would be too late.

What would happen if no one went to school?

Millions of kids would stay home and work all day or get homeschooled, College kids would get into student debt & waste resources, teachers/professors etc will be out of work, economy staggers, government promotes laws or family benefits if kids go to school, future skill makers in education wouldn’t happen.