Useful tips

What would it be like to be the only human alive?

What would it be like to be the only human alive?

To wake up and find oneself the only human alive, marooned in a modern world in which everyone else has disappeared or been killed by some mysterious virus, is both the stuff of nightmares and of fantasy. Scroll down for more… For this would be a tainted paradise, a world in which you could do anything you wanted.

Do you get lonely when you are the only person on Earth?

You may get lonely but at least you won’t get in trouble for breaking the rules. What would you do if you woke up one day to find that you were the only person left on Earth?

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Is will Smith The Last Man Alive on Earth?

As the day wears on, the full, horrible, bizarre truth dawns: you are completely, utterly alone. This is the intriguing plot of what is turning out to be the first movie hit of 2008, I Am Legend, starring Will Smith as (apparently) the last man alive on Earth.

Is all reality only in our minds?

But Rosenblum doesn’t see the human tendency to fall for such misdirection as evidence that all of reality exists only in our minds. “Our perceptual system can be fooled, but I do not take that at all to mean that we’re constructing reality,” he told LiveScience. As members of society, people create a form of collective reality.

Do you look and live like everyone else?

Throwing that away just for the sake of looking and living like everyone else is one of the cruelest things that you can ever do – it will always prevent you from fully living your life. Instead, champion the things that make you unique.

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Does the “true” self exist?

The “true” self may or may not exist, but our ideals and projections about it sure do. Subscribe Recent Issue Archive Today Most Popular There Appears to be Truth to the Newest Theory of Lying

How many people will the Earth’s population be capable of supporting?

If the global fertility rate does indeed reach replacement level by the end of the century, then the human population will stabilize between 9 billion and 10 billion. As far as Earth’s capacity is concerned, we’ll have gone about as far as we can go, but no farther.

What would it be like if the human species disappeared?

What would it be like? Of course, logically speaking, the chances of the entire human species, bar one, disappearing entirely over a short space of time is practically zero, unless of course Earth were ever visited again by one of those giant celestial bodies that befell the dinosaurs.

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When will the human population hit 7 billion?

According to the United Nations Population Division, the human population will hit 7 billion on or around Oct. 31, and, if its projections are correct, we’re en route to a population of 9 billion by 2050, and 10 billion by 2100. However, somewhere on the road between those milestones, scientists think we’ll make a U-turn.