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What would likely happen if you were to touch a flask in which an exothermic reaction was occurring?

What would likely happen if you were to touch a flask in which an exothermic reaction was occurring?

The flask would probably feel warmer than before the reaction started.

What would you feel if you could touch an endothermic reaction?

Endothermic reactions are those that must absorb energy from their surroundings. This can include absorbing heat from the container they are in, or from your fingertips. The result is that both the container and your fingers will feel cold. Lower kinetic energy means lower temperature.

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When a reaction occurs in a flask you notice that the flask gets colder is this reaction exothermic or endothermic?

When a reaction occurs in a flask, you notice that the flask gets colder. What is the sign of ΔH? ΔH is positive. The fact that the flask gets cold means that the system is absorbing heat.

What do you think you would feel on the beaker in an endothermic reaction?

In an endothermic reaction, heat is absorbed from the surroundings, and the surroundings cool down. Touching the beaker with this reaction would feel cooler, and a thermometer would show the temperature lowering.

What would likely happen if you were to touch the flask?

What would likely happen if you were to touch the flask in which an endothermic reaction were occurring? The flask would probably feel cooler than before the reaction started.

What do you feel when you touch the flask is the reaction exothermic or endothermic?

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You would likely feel that the flask is cold. Endothermic reactions require energy from their environment to continue, so many such reactions continue by draining thermal energy from their surroundings. This would make the flask cold to touch.

What happens when you touch an endothermic and exothermic reaction?

If you touch a container that holds an endothermic process, it will feel cool to the touch. An exothermic process results when heat energy is released, decreasing the internal energy of the system. If you touch a container that holds an exothermic process, it will feel warm or hot to the touch.

What type of reaction occurs in the flask?

Endothermic reaction in a flask feels cool because endothermic reactions use up energy(heat) from the surrounding. Therefore the surroundings loses heat and cools down.

What will happen if a piece of metal is heated then submerged in cool water?

A piece of metal is heated, then submerged in cool water. The temperature of the water will increase and the temperature of the metal will decrease. …

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What animals are endothermic?

Endothermic animals are animals that are able to maintain a constant body temperature regardless of their ambient temperature. Endothermic animals include all birds and mammals of the animal kingdom. Even some fish are considered to be endothermic.

What happens in an endothermic reaction?

An endothermic reaction is any chemical reaction that absorbs heat from its environment. The absorbed energy provides the activation energy for the reaction to occur. A hallmark of this type of reaction is that it feels cold.

What chemical reaction is occurring in the flask?

An exothermic reaction is defined as a chemical reaction that produces heat. An exothermic reaction taking place in an Erlenmeyer flask produces heat. The heat produced in the flask realeases heat and causes the flask to be hot as well.