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What would the military do in a zombie outbreak?

What would the military do in a zombie outbreak?

The naval forces could be used for search and rescue missions, reconnaissance and patrolling the boarders to keep possible infected refugees from landing ashore at uninfected areas. During an attack scenario the navy would be used primarily for coastal bombardment, landings and as safe landing pads for aircraft.

Can the military defeat zombies?

Even world war z type zombies would likely be crushed by the military, as they can’t attack planes or tanks, and although they’d cause a lot of damage and death. Walking Dead type zombies would be killed off before the month was over, and the military would not be overrun by them.

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Is there any military left in Walking Dead?

The military is no longer an active organization in the World of the Walking Dead. Of course there are a few pockets of military members holed up in secure underground bunkers, but are static at best.

What started the walking dead virus?

The writer of the comic of The Walking Dead and longtime producer of the AMC TV show said the zombie outbreak occurred because of a “space spore” when asked on Twitter, which is likely another homage to the godfather of the zombie-horror genre George A. Romero.

What is the name of the virus in the walking dead?


The Walking Dead episode
Dr. Edwin Jenner whispers something to Rick.
Episode no. Season 1 Episode 6
Directed by Guy Ferland

Is the US military expecting the country to be overrun by zombies?

The U.S. military is not actually expecting the country to be overrun by zombies. But the work and thought that went into making the plan was very real. [ Everything You Need to Know About Zombies (Infographic)]

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Can the military be used to counter a zombie attack?

Thus, the military is free to counterattack without concern for U.S. and international laws that regulate treatment of opposing forces. Given the dire nature of the threat, the country would likely be under martial law during a zombie attack, the plan goes on to note.

Is there a zombie medical cure?

As there is no known zombie medical cure, the CDC is the best source for pushing back against the pandemic. Fortunately, the CDC is one step ahead of the military on this one: In 2011, the agency wrote a blog post on how to prepare for the zombie apocalypse. The plan was to promote real disaster preparedness, but the post went viral.

Does the Pentagon have a plan for a zombie attack?

(Image credit: Aeviin Talloni.) Citizens of the United States, breathe easy: The Pentagon has a plan in case of a zombie attack. Don’t pack your bug-out bag and put up your zombie defenses, yet, however.