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Where do electric field lines begin and end?

Where do electric field lines begin and end?

Electric field lines begin on positive charges and end on negative charges, or at infinity. The number of lines entering or leaving a charge is proportional to the magnitude of the charge.

Can a field line starting from a conductor end on it?

Answer with reason. If a line o force starts from a charged conductor and terminates on it, one part of the conductor should be positively charged and other part negatively charged. Thus a field line cannot start from a conductor and end on the same.

Why do field lines start and end on conductor?

The electric field lines either begin or end upon a charge and in the case of a conductor, the charge exists solely upon its outer surface. The lines extend from this surface outward, not inward. This of course presumes that our conductor does not surround a region of space where there was another charge.

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What do electric field lines begin on?

Field lines must begin on positive charges and terminate on negative charges, or at infinity in the hypothetical case of isolated charges. The number of field lines leaving a positive charge or entering a negative charge is proportional to the magnitude of the charge.

Where do field lines must start?

positive charges
Field lines must begin on positive charges and terminate on negative charges, or at infinity in the hypothetical case of isolated charges. The number of field lines leaving a positive charge or entering a negative charge is proportional to the magnitude of the charge.

Are electric field lines straight?

Electric field lines never intersect. In an uniform electric field, the field lines are straight, parallel and uniformly spaced. The electric field lines can never form closed loops, as line can never start and end on the same charge. These field lines always flow from higher potential to lower potential.

Why electric field lines are perpendicular to conductor?

The mutual repulsion of excess positive charges on a spherical conductor distributes them uniformly on its surface. The resulting electric field is perpendicular to the surface and zero inside.

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Do conductors stop electric fields?

The electric field is zero inside a conductor. Just outside a conductor, the electric field lines are perpendicular to its surface, ending or beginning on charges on the surface. Any excess charge resides entirely on the surface or surfaces of a conductor.

Why can’t electric field lines enter a conductor?

The net electric field inside a conductor is zero. Therefore, the electric field lines do not pass through a conductor.

Why electric field lines do not pass through conductor?

Do electric field lines actually exist?

No, they do not exist. Electric field lines are only imaginary. They are the paths along which an imaginary unit charge would move when free. Their number is infinite as paths (Electric field lines) can be infinite.

Why do electric field lines extend outwards from a conductor?

The electric field lines either begin or end upon a charge and in the case of a conductor, the charge exists solely upon its outer surface. The lines extend from this surface outward, not inward. This of course presumes that our conductor does not surround a region of space where there was another charge.

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Do electric field lines have their own electric field?

In presence of static charge or external electric field lines a conductor induces charge on its surface but the net charge remains the same. The charges so induced on the conductor surface have their own electric field. Hope this helps. No, they don’t.

Do electric field lines start and end on a positive charge?

Electric field lines always begin on a positive charge and end on a negative charge, so they do not form closed curves. They do not start or stop in midspace. The number of electric field lines leaving a positive charge or entering a negative charge is proportional to the magnitude of the charge.

Why do electric field lines never form closed loops?

The electric field lines can never form closed loops, as line can never start and end on the same charge. These field lines always flow from higher potential to lower potential. If the electric field in a given region of space is zero, electric field lines do not exist.