Useful tips

Which is better investment banking or consulting?

Which is better investment banking or consulting?

The counter-view is that in consulting, people tend to be obsessed with qualifications, whereas the work environment at investment bankers is superb, though transferable skills are lacking and the job is repetitive. The salary is better at “the right time in life” in banking.

Is consulting better than finance?

You would earn a little less while starting your management consulting career than your finance counter-part. But if you stick to your laurel, you will do well and eventually, you may earn much more than a finance professional. Many professionals do that.

What can I do instead of investment banking?

Which One is Right for You? Rank the Investment Banking Exit Opportunities!

  • Private Equity. Private equity is best if you enjoy working on deals, but you want to think about them more critically and work with companies over the long term – years instead of months.
  • Hedge Funds & Asset Management.
  • Venture Capital.
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Does IB pay more than consulting?

Almost everyone agrees that investment bankers earn more than management consultants. The exact differences vary, but total IB compensation is often 50-100\% higher in most levels of the hierarchy.

Do hedge funds hire investment bankers?

It’s more common for investment bankers to go into hedge funds than the other direction, because IB’s are “up or out” and are willing to essentially train juniors in way hedge funds usually don’t.

Who bought PA Consulting?

Global professional services firm Jacobs has completed its acquisition of PA Consulting, valuing the international management consulting firm at more than €2 billion.

Which hedge funds were the best performers in 2016?

As far as reported long positions go, Tiger Global was the single best performer among large hedge funds between 2016 and mid-2019, returning 22.4\% annually.

Can you invest in the world’s best hedge funds?

It’s a world of 70\% gains and $10 billion swings; the world’s best hedge funds are hardly boring. You can invest in some of the top hedge funds in the world. (Getty Images) What do the world’s top hedge funds look like?

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How do private equity funds make money?

Private equity funds make money from a) convincing capital holders to give them large pools of money and charging a \% on these pools and b) generating returns on their investments. They are investors, not advisors. Read how a basic LBO works.

What is the difference between a PE firm and an investment banker?

While investment bankers build models to impress clients to win advisory business, PE firms build models to confirm an investment thesis. One cynical argument to explain this difference is that while investment bankers build models to impress clients to win advisory business,…