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Which metal will liberate hydrogen from dilute H2SO4?

Which metal will liberate hydrogen from dilute H2SO4?

Ans. (a) When dilute sulphuric acid is poured on a copper plate, the copper metal reacts with sulphuric acid to liberate hydrogen gas. Copper (Cu) + Sulphuric acid(H2SO4) → Copper sulphate (CuSO4) – Hydrogen gas (H2).

Which metal can liberate hydrogen from dilute acids?

The metals which occur above hydrogen in the activity series liberate hydrogen from dilute acids. Since Na Fe and Pb occur above hydrogen in the activity series they will liberate hydrogen from dilute acids.

Which metals can liberate hydrogen?

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(b) Magnesium (Mg) and manganese (Mn) are the two metals that liberate hydrogen gas from very dilute nitric acid.

Which of the following can liberate H2 gas from dilute acid?

Do all metals liberate hydrogen gas from dilute acid? – Quora. Active metals such as Sodium, potassium etc and moderately active metals such as magnesium, aluminium, zinc, iron etc reacts with dilute acids ( except for HNO3 ) to produce H2 gas. HNO3, being oxidizing agent, oxidises the H2 so produced into H20.

Which will liberate H2 gas from dilute H2SO4?

Iron can liberate H2 from dil. H2SO4 but copper cannot liberate H2 from dil.

Which of the following metal does not liberate hydrogen with dilute H2SO4?

Explanation: Cu is below hydrogen in the electrochemical series, so it cannot liberate H2 from dilute H2SO4.

Do metals liberate hydrogen gas from dilute acids?

No, all metals do not react with acids to liberate hydrogen. Reactive metals like zinc etc liberate hydrogen.

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Which of the following metals Cannot liberate hydrogen from dilute HCL?

Copper (Cu) cannot liberate H2 from dilute hydrochloric acid because it is below hydrogen in the electrochemical series.

How do you liberate hydrogen gas?

One of the easiest ways to obtain hydrogen is to get it from water, H2O. This method employs electrolysis, which breaks water into hydrogen and oxygen gas.

Which of the following metals will liberate hydrogen from dilute sulphuric acid dilute hydrochloric acid and dilute nitric acid?

Answer: Zinc liberates hydrogen gas when reacted with dilute hydrochloric acid, whereas copper.

Which of the following metal does not liberate hydrogen from dilute H2SO4?

Which of the following will not liberate hydrogen gas?

Copper will not liberate Hydrogen gas.