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Which of the following is a factor commonly considered when determining a facility location?

Which of the following is a factor commonly considered when determining a facility location?

The seven factors affecting a location decision in operations management are facilities, competition, logistics, labor, community and site, political risk and incentives, according to Reference for Business.

Which of the following is a step in the procedure for making location decisions?

As with capacity planning, managers need to follow a three-step procedure when making facility location decisions….Procedure for Making Location Decisions

  1. Step 1 Identify Dominant Location Factors.
  2. Step 2 Develop Location Alternatives.
  3. Step 3 Evaluate Location Alternatives.
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What factor should an organization take into consideration when planning the location?

Locations of major customers and suppliers. Availability and cost of skilled and unskilled labor. Quality of life for employees and management in the proposed location.

Which of the following is a location analysis techniques typically employed?

Location analysis techniques typically employed by service organizations include: the factor rating method. the center-of-gravity method. purchasing power analysis of area.

What are the factors to consider in a facility design?

These factors are as follows:

  • The design of the facility layout should consider overall objectives set by the organization.
  • Optimum space needs to be allocated for process and technology.
  • A proper safety measure as to avoid mishaps.
  • Overall management policies and future direction of the organization.

What are the main factors that affect the decision of a manufacturing company about where to locate?

Entrepreneur Jake Fox reveals the key factors a business needs to consider when selecting a new location.

  • Accessibility. Does your business rely on frequent deliveries?
  • Security.
  • Competition.
  • Business Rates.
  • Skill base in the area.
  • Potential for growth.
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What are four factors that have made globalization attractive for business organizations?

Access to transportation infrastructure.

  • Access to productive labor.
  • Access to end consumers.
  • Proximity to customers.
  • Access to resources.
  • What are the four important factors responsible for industrial location?

    Following are the important geographical factors influencing the location of industries.

    • Raw Materials: ADVERTISEMENTS:
    • Power: Regular supply of power is a pre-requisite for the localisation of industries.
    • Labour:
    • Transport:
    • Market:
    • Water:
    • Site:
    • Climate:

    What factors should be considered when deciding on the location of research and development facilities?

    Companies evaluate the following things when choosing among countries in which to locate R&D facilities:

    • A nation’s institutions (the political and regulatory environment)
    • A nation’s investment in education.
    • A nation’s ICT infrastructure.
    • The sophistication of the market (access to investors and credit)

    What are the factors of location?

    Some of them are: raw material, land, water, labor, capital, power, transport, and market. For ease of convenience, we can classify the location factors into two: geographical factors and non-geographical factors.

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    When choosing location for industrial facilities such as plants and warehouses analysis typically attempts to?

    3.4. Robust facility location problem

    Authors Objective Solution method
    Afshar and Haghani [61] Unsatisfied demand Exact algorithm
    Akgün et al. [7] Risk Exact algorithm
    Aksen and Aras [42] Cost incurred before and after the interdiction attempt Tabu search, Sequential solution method

    When selecting a location service organizations typically focus on minimizing costs?

    When selecting a location, service organizations typically focus on maximizing revenue, but minimizing transportation costs is also frequently an objective.