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Which of the following scheduling algorithm is called an elevator algorithm?

Which of the following scheduling algorithm is called an elevator algorithm?

SCAN: In SCAN algorithm the disk arm moves into a particular direction and services the requests coming in its path and after reaching the end of disk, it reverses its direction and again services the request arriving in its path. So, this algorithm works as an elevator and hence also known as elevator algorithm.

Why scan algorithm is called elevator algorithm?

SCAN (Elevator) algorithm: In SCAN disk scheduling algorithm, head starts from one end of the disk and moves towards the other end, servicing requests in between one by one and reach the other end. So, this algorithm works as an elevator and hence also known as the elevator algorithm.

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Which of the following disk scheduling algorithm works like an elevator in a building?

SCAN (Elevator) algorithm In SCAN disk scheduling algorithm, head starts from one end of the disk and moves towards the other end, servicing requests in between one by one and reach the other end.

What is difference between scan and FCFS disk scheduling algorithm?

Calculate the total number of track movements of Read/Write head using FCFS….Example:

Sr.No. FCFS Disk Scheduling Algorithm SCAN Disk Scheduling Algorithm
3. FCFS algorithm gives the lowest throughput among all the disk scheduling algorithms. SCAN algorithm has a better throughput than FCFS scheduling algorithm.

How does an elevator algorithm work?

The elevator algorithm is a simple algorithm by which a single elevator can decide where to stop, is summarized as follows: Continue traveling in the same direction while there are remaining requests in that same direction.

Which of the following is called elevator algorithm scan algorithm C scan look scheduling none?

NOTE- SCAN Algorithm is also called as Elevator Algorithm.

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What is FCFS disk scheduling?

FCFS is the simplest disk scheduling algorithm. As the name suggests, this algorithm entertains requests in the order they arrive in the disk queue. The algorithm looks very fair and there is no starvation (all requests are serviced sequentially) but generally, it does not provide the fastest service.

What do you mean by elevator algorithm discuss with example?

The elevator algorithm has found an application in computer operating systems as an algorithm for scheduling hard disk requests. A good example is elevator destination dispatch. It uses an algorithm to decide which car to assign to where and best service times.

What is elevator in disk arm scheduling algorithm?

It is also called as Elevator Algorithm. In this algorithm, the disk arm moves into a particular direction till the end, satisfying all the requests coming in its path,and then it turns backand moves in the reverse direction satisfying requests coming in its path.

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How does elevator algorithm work?

There is an algorithm called elevator algorithm, that is used in lifts and elsewhere [e.g. disk scheduling]. The basic idea is that the elevator continues to move in the same direction and picks all requests along that direction. When there are no more requests in that direction, it reverses its direction.

Which disk scheduling algorithm is the best?

With the classical approach of disk scheduling algorithm, few algorithms like SSTF and LOOK will be the most efficient algorithm compared to FCFS, SCAN, C-SCAN and C- LOOK disk scheduling algorithm with respect to these parameters.

What is elevator lift?

elevator, also called lift, car that moves in a vertical shaft to carry passengers or freight between the levels of a multistory building. Most modern elevators are propelled by electric motors, with the aid of a counterweight, through a system of cables and sheaves (pulleys).