Useful tips

Who is responsible for tree maintenance?

Who is responsible for tree maintenance?

The safety of trees is nearly always the responsibility of the owner of the land on which they grow; but there are some exceptions, such as when a rental agreement requires the tenants of a property to manage the trees.

Who is responsible for trees tenant or landlord?

Who is Responsible: Landlord or Tenant? More often than not, the lease for a rental property does not outline who is responsible for tree trimming and maintenance of a rental property. Because of this, it generally falls under the responsibility of the landlord.

Who is responsible for trees in a mobile home park in Florida?

Since you rent the land on which your trailer sits, it would be the responsibility of the property owner to remove hazardous trees. Defining “hazardous” is problematic as there is no, one size fits all. Both you and the property owner should have insurance to cover losses if they occur.

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Is it illegal to cut down trees on your own property?

Yes, it is against the law to cut a tree, whether it is in your own backyard or on public property, without obtaining the approval from the BBMP.

Do tenants have to cut hedges?

Landlords are typically responsible for trimming, cutting back and lopping of hedges, trees, shrubs and so on throughout the duration of the tenancy. If a landlord passes any further gardening responsibility to the tenant, they should provide the gardening tools/mowing equipment they’d like them to use.

Is landlord or tenant responsible for garden?

The landlord is required to maintain any areas of the garden which it would be unreasonable to expect the tenant to look after – this usually includes the responsibilities for trees. It is also the landlord’s responsibility to ensure that action is taken should the tenant report an issue which is not their fault.

What are my rights as a mobile home owner in Florida?

—A mobile home park owner shall at all times: (1) Comply with the requirements of applicable building, housing, and health codes. (2) Maintain buildings and improvements in common areas in a good state of repair and maintenance and maintain the common areas in a good state of appearance, safety, and cleanliness.

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Can I fell a tree on my own land?

The reality is you are permitted to prune or cut down any tree on your land, regardless of whether it is healthy or not, if it is not subject to a Tree Preservation Order or located with a conservation area.

Can you cut a tree branches hanging over your property?

If my neighbor’s tree branches hang over my yard, can I trim them? Yes. By law, you have the right to trim branches and limbs that extend past the property line. You may not go onto the neighbor’s property or destroy the tree.

Who is responsible for trees in a mobile home park?

Park regulations must state whether trees on lots should be taken care of by the tenants or the park owner. Extermination or prevention of vermin or dangerous pests, such as ticks and mosquitoes, is also the responsibility of the landlord. Many different areas constitute a mobile home park. Some parks have many more areas of concern than others.

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What are the responsibilities of a landlord in a mobile home park?

Other mobile home park owners’ responsibilities: The landlord is responsible for ensuring that every tenant has access to their home and to other park facilities. Every tenant has the right to enjoy peace and quiet on their own lot or site. Provide a notice board that is easy for inhabitants to use or view.

What are my rights as a mobile home park resident?

Many of your rights as a mobilehome park resident are governed by the Mobilehome Residency Law (MRL). The MRL, like provisions of conventional landlord-tenant law, is enforced by the courts; that is, the disputing parties must enforce the MRL against one another in a court of law.

Who is responsible for pest control in a mobile home park?

Extermination or prevention of vermin or dangerous pests, such as ticks and mosquitoes, is also the responsibility of the landlord. Keeping the park clean Many different areas constitute a mobile home park. Some parks have many more areas of concern than others.