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Who opened the Chamber of Secrets the second time?

Who opened the Chamber of Secrets the second time?

During Harry’s time, Riddle was controlling Ginny by means of his Diary, his horcrux. So, it was Ginny who was being controlled by Riddle who opened the Chamber of Secrets for the second time.

Who opened the Chamber of Secrets before Tom Riddle?

Corvinus Gaunt is the only other person known for interfering with the Chamber prior to Voldemort. He went to school during the 18th century and during the time he went to school, there was a proposal to install an elaborate plumbing system at Hogwarts Castle.

Who says the Chamber of Secrets has been opened?

Ginny Weasley
First message. The first message The first message written by Ginny Weasley said “The Chamber of Secrets has been opened. Enemies of the heir… beware”.

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How many times was Chamber of Secrets opened?

There is clear evidence that the Chamber was opened more than once between the death of Slytherin and the entrance of Tom Riddle in the twentieth century. When first created, the Chamber was accessed through a concealed trapdoor and a series of magical tunnels.

Who is the heir of Salazar Slytherin?

Tom Marvolo Riddle
At least part of the legend was revealed to be true in 1943, when Tom Marvolo Riddle, the heir of Slytherin, opened the Chamber and used the Basilisk to attack Muggle-borns.

Is Ginny the heir of Slytherin?

Myth 3: only the heir of Slytherin can open the Chamber of Secrets. Ginny Weasley opens the Chamber under the influence of Tom Riddle, and Harry – who only ever uses Parseltongue to save someone – opens it to rescue Ginny. Neither of them is Slytherin’s heir.

Who put the basilisk in the Chamber of Secrets?

Salazar Slytherin
The Serpent of Slytherin was a female Basilisk that was placed by Salazar Slytherin as the only resident of the Chamber of Secrets at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The Basilisk could only be controlled by the Heir of Slytherin, Tom Riddle.

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Why did Ginny Weasley open the Chamber of Secrets?

Ginny Weasley opened the Chamber under Tom Riddle’s control; however, she only could open it because of Riddle’s ability to speak Parseltongue. She was unable to speak Parseltongue afterwards, but Riddle probably told her what to say.

How did Ginny open the Chamber of Secrets the second time?

During Harry’s time, Riddle was controlling Ginny by means of his Diary, his horcrux. So, it was Ginny who was being controlled by Riddle who opened the Chamber of Secrets for the second time. Then of course, Ron opened the Chamber again in the Deathly Hallows to retrieve the Basilisk’s fang for killing horcruxes.

Who was the first person to open the Chamber of Secrets?

Salazar Slytherin had created the Chamber of Secrets. The first person to open it was the heir of Slytherin Voldemort (Tom Riddle). After 50 years, it was Ginny Weasley who opened it unknowingly.

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What day did Tom Riddle open the Chamber of Secrets?

Tom Riddle opened the Chamber of Secrets in June 1943, but it was unknown precisely which day, possibly the same day that he caught Hagrid from talking with Aragog (13th June) or the day before. As Myrtle recalled, they took “hours and hours” to find her body. In Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2,…

Why did Harry Potter go to the Chamber of Secrets?

Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, and then- Defence Against the Dark Arts Professor Gilderoy Lockhart went to the Chamber to rescue Ginny, as a message had been left that she was held prisoner there: “Her Skeleton will lie in the Chamber forever.” Once in the Chamber, Harry met with the memory of Tom Riddle, which was preserved in the diary.