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Who rules the galaxy in Star Wars?

Who rules the galaxy in Star Wars?

Galactic Republic

Emblem and Flag of the Galactic Republic
Universe Star Wars
Location Star Wars galaxy
Leader Galactic Senate (legislature) Supreme Chancellor (executive) Finis Valorum (–32 BBY) Sheev Palpatine (32–19 BBY) Judicial Department (judiciary)
Affiliations Jedi Order Clone Army

Who ruled the Galaxy after Palpatine?

After the final death of Palpatine in 11 ABY, Xandel Carivus proclaimed himself the Emperor, but was soon killed by Kir Kanos. Under the Imperial Remnant, the role of Imperial Head of State was assumed by Supreme Commander of the Imperial Fleet.

Is the Galactic Republic good or bad?

The Galactic Republic more commonly known as the Republic was a major Star Wars villainous government next the Galactic Empire.. They were a government secretly ruled by the Sith and was the government that lasted for millions of years ruled by the Jedi.

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Is Galactic Empire good?

The Empire had some good intentions behind it in Legends, such as bringing security to the galaxy as well as making a government strong enough to resist the Yuuzhan Vong. But the Empire itself was far from good.

Do they ever leave the galaxy in Star Wars?

In the expanded universe something called outbound flight took place where they left the Galaxy to see what was beyond the Galaxy and chart hyperspace lanes to other galaxies and systems never before reached.

Who took over the empire after Return of the Jedi?

In the series (set six years after Return of the Jedi), Palpatine is resurrected as the Emperor Reborn or “Palpatine the Undying”.

What happened after Vader’s Death?

Vader’s helmet was scavenged from his funeral pyre in the aftermath of the Battle of Endor. Thirty years after the funeral, the charred and melted helmet was in the possession of Vader’s grandson, Kylo Ren.

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Why is the Empire in Star Wars bad?

Originally Answered: What made the Empire evil? The Empire was willing to commit genocide and atrocities, from the mass enslavement of Wookies and other species, to the destruction of Alderaan, they ruled through fear and force (Tarkin Doctrine).

Are the rebels the good guys in Star Wars?

Now, of course the Empire calls them terrorists. But history is written by the victors, and the Rebels won. So they’re the good guys.