Useful tips

Why am I 13 and my voice is still high?

Why am I 13 and my voice is still high?

Before you reach puberty, your larynx is pretty small and your vocal cords are kind of small and thin. That’s why your voice is higher than an adult’s. As you go through puberty, the larynx gets bigger and the vocal cords lengthen and thicken, so your voice gets deeper.

Can a boy’s voice not break?

A guy’s voice “cracks” or “breaks” because his body is getting used to the changing size of his larynx. Fortunately, the cracking and breaking is only temporary. It usually lasts no longer than a few months. And even during that time, your voice won’t crack every time you speak.

Is it possible for your voice to get higher after puberty?

Puberty will not change the voice higher, but once the voice has settled good training and practice can build the upper range significantly. Unfortunately the lower end is pretty set after puberty so developing lower notes is much more difficult.

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Can I change your voice?

Your voice can be altered surgically so that it no longer makes low pitched sounds. This is called voice feminization surgery or feminization laryngoplasty. During voice feminization surgery, the voice box is made smaller and the vocal cords are shortened. Trans women sometimes undergo this procedure.

Can your voice change at 16?

A voice change is one of the secondary sexual characteristics adolescents develop. In boys, this happens between ages 12 and 16; in girls, between ages 10 and 14.

Do girls get voice cracks?

Everyone’s voice can crack at times, with a cold or with overloaded vocal cords. If you mean the cracks boys get when maturing: normally not. But still the voice of a girl is changing when growing up and when singing she might have cracks too for some time.

What causes voice cracks in adults?

In adults, however, voice cracking is most often the result of vocal cord strain, either from constant yelling or from illness. Voice cracking is common during puberty, as the vocal folds grow and thicken very quickly. Photo Courtesy of Pixabay In addition, stressful situations can also cause voices to crack.

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Why does my Voice Crack?

A voice crack usually happens when you drop breathe support or exhaling air when making a vocal sound. And this leads to overuse the vocal chords and makes bad techniques for singing but it’s all because of an unsustained sound made by your voice. So remember to BREATHE.