Useful tips

Why are some people seen as weird?

Why are some people seen as weird?

Many people will be seen as weird simply for dressing differently, having an esoteric hobby, having a unique way of looking at the world, or having opinions that aren’t entirely mainstream. This is the variety of weirdness that many people probably won’t want to change too much, or only make slight practical tweaks to. Having an odd sense of humor

What are some common practices in America that are strange?

1 Some common practices in America are actually quite strange to people from other countries. 2 America’s obsessions with drug commercials and American flags are odd to people from overseas. 3 Other countries also don’t have the same tipping culture or the same amount of student debt. 4 Visit Insider’s homepage for more stories.

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What do people from other cultures find strange about the US?

Here are some regular things we do in the US that people from other cultures might think is a bit strange. Using money that is all the same color. It seems confusing. In the US, dollar bills are all the same shade of green, and they all look very similar, aside from slightly different images.

Is it normal to forget facts that you really know?

Forgetting tidbits of information isn’t weird at all, but forgetting facts that you really ought to know — like why you just walked into a room or the name of your own child — is definitely a little odd. Yet, these so-called brain farts occur rather frequently for us humans. Lots of things can cause your memory to lag, according to researchers.

How can I stop being so weird all the time?

Unfortunately, there is no shortcut here. You do this by simply talking to people more often. The best way to stop being weird is to push through the weirdness until you aren’t weird any more. (Try saying that ten times fast.)

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What to do when you say something weird or offensive to someone?

If you say something weird or offensive to someone you are not yet doomed. Just say “Oh sorry, that didn’t come out the way I intended!” and then change the subject to something else. With experience you’ll learn that you can handle making the occasional mistake or faux pas. Which will give you more confidence.

What are some signs that you don’t know what to say?

Not knowing the ‘right’ thing to say. Funny how you’re never at a loss for words when you talk to your closest friend. You only run out of things to say in uncomfortable situations like meeting new people or talking to someone you like. Being hesitant and timid.