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Why computer is not a perfect machine?

Why computer is not a perfect machine?

These two “simplistic” experiments exhibit the fact that a computer is not a perfect computing machine. This is due to the impossibility to represent accurately all numbers we need. Unfortunately, most of the useful computations done with computers make use of the real numbers.

Can a computer be perfect?

No, computers are not perfect, as demonstrated by the Halting problem – Wikipedia (They cannot check if a program will run to completion).

Is a computer is a machine?

A computer is a machine that can be programmed to carry out sequences of arithmetic or logical operations automatically. A computer system is a “complete” computer that includes the hardware, operating system (main software), and peripheral equipment needed and used for “full” operation.

What is meant by perfect machine?

An ideal machine is the one in which no part of the work that is done on the machine is wasted. It is also called a perfect machine. Thus, for an ideal machine, the work output is equal to the work input and the efficiency of the machine is 1 = 100\%

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Why our brain is not a computer?

The brain is a biological organ, and not a digital computer. Neuroscience has discovered that while the brain mediates between the body and the environment, it does not command the body. Often brain problems can be traced to problems in the rest of the body, and not to a malfunctioning brain.

What are the disadvantages of computer?

What are the disadvantages of a computer?

  • Too much sitting.
  • Carpal tunnel and eye strain.
  • Short attention span and too much multitasking.
  • Potential of loss of privacy.
  • Can limit learning and create a dependency.
  • Time sink and lots of distractions.
  • Can reduce jobs.
  • Increases waste and impacts the environment.

Are computers perfect at chess?

Chess programs running on commercially available desktop computers won decisive victories against human players in matches in 2005 and 2006. The second of these, against then world champion Vladimir Kramnik is (as of 2019) the last major human-computer match.

Is there a computer that can play chess perfectly?

Computer programs have been able to beat the best human chess players ever since IBM’s Deep Blue supercomputer defeated Kasparov on 12 May 1997. DeepMind said the difference between AlphaZero and its competitors is that its machine-learning approach is given no human input apart from the basic rules of chess.

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Why computer is a machine?

Answer: A computer is a machine that accepts data as input, procesess that data using programs, and outputs the processed data. Many computers can store and retrieve information using hard drives.

Are all machines computers?

Obviously, a computer is a machine. However, most machines are not computers. So it’s a bit non-obvious why we do that.

How does perfect machine differ from the real machine?

Answer: Ideal machines are said to have parts which are weightless , frictionless and strings if any are inextensible. Practical machines have parts which have weights, friction and it causes some loss of work done. So these are the differences between Ideal Machine and Practical Machines.

What is true about a perfect machine?

A simple machine, such as a lever, pulley, or gear train, is “ideal” if the power input is equal to the power output of the device, which means there are no losses. In this case, the mechanical efficiency is 100\%.

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Is it possible to build a perfect computer?

A perfect computer would have everything described above, be designed for specific applications and have a very finite number of applications (ideally less than a dozen) running on it. It is certainly possible to build the machine described above. Is it perfect?

Can a computer beat a human?

Finally, this analysis will show the paradoxical conclusion that trying to achieve conscious machines to beat humans implies that computers will never completely exceed human capabilities, or if the computer were to do it, the machine should not be considered a computer anymore.

Can machines overcome humans?

The idea of machines overcoming humans can be intrinsically related to conscious machines. Surpassing humans would mean replicating, reaching and exceeding key distinctive properties of human beings, for example, high-level cognition associated with conscious perception.

What is the next computer problem?

The next computer problem is power spikes and brown outs. The power supply of a perfect computer would be a critical component for many reasons. In order to build a perfect computer we need a power supply that is insulated so that it will not burn out any of our other internal components if it ever fails.