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Why did America lose Afghanistan in Quora?

Why did America lose Afghanistan in Quora?

The U.S. Army simply left because the war was too costly from the point of view of the U.S. power in Washington compared to what it was really worth. It was a waste to continue to fight that war. So you can say that the American Army lost because the choice was made to leave the country to the Taliban.

Who has successfully conquered Afghanistan?

Alexander the Great conquered Persia and Afghanistan. After centuries of invasions the nation finally began to take shape during the 18th century under the leadership of Ahmad Shah Durrani.

When did Afghan army collapse?

They had maintained a rough stalemate with the Taliban for more than seven years, after the Obama administration announced the end of U.S. combat operations in 2014. Then they collapsed in little more than a week in early August. But this shouldn’t have been a surprise.

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Why us Cannot win Afghanistan Quora?

The US cannot win. They lack the military power in the first place. The conflict in Afghanistan is a civil war between two intractable factions and can only be resolved through a political settlement that would include at the minimum a power sharing agreement.

Why are US troops in Afghanistan Quora?

Why are americans still being deployed to Afghanistan? Because the job isn’t finished. The invasion of Afghanistan was based on the 9/11 attacks carried out by Al-Qaeda, whose leadership and training camps were in Afghanistan. Al-Qaeda was provided with a safe haven by the Taliban regime.

Why did the United States fail in Afghanistan?

The United States failed in Afghanistan largely because of intractable grievances, Pakistan’s meddling, and an intense Afghan commitment to resisting occupiers, and it stayed largely because of unrelenting terrorist threats and their effect on U.S. electoral politics. There were few chances to prevail and few chances to get out.

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How did the United States and the United Kingdom fight in Afghanistan?

The United Kingdom was a key ally of the United States, offering support for military action from the start of preparations for the invasion. It followed the Afghan Civil War’s 1996–2001 phase between the Taliban and the Northern Alliance groups, although the Taliban controlled 90\% of the country by 2001.

When did the US declare Afghanistan a major non NATO ally?

In July 2012, following the entry into force of the SPA, the United States designated Afghanistan a Major Non-NATO Ally. The South Asia Strategy announced in August 2017 outlined conditions for a political process between the Taliban and the Afghan government that could lead to a peace settlement to end the conflict in Afghanistan.

What was the United States’ strategy in Afghanistan in 2011?

Instead, the United States would deny al Qaeda a safe haven, reverse the Taliban’s momentum, and strengthen the Afghan government and its security forces. The plan was to begin a drawdown of the surge forces in mid-2011 and eventually hand off full responsibility for the country’s security to the Afghan government.